(Editable list) Apps compatible with iodéOS

App Developer Category Compatible? Comment
1Password 1Password Security :green_circle:
AdGuard VPN AdGuard Productivity :green_circle:
ABRP Iternio Planning AB Travel :green_circle: A Better Routeplanner - Electric vehicules
ADSB Flight Tracker CodingRealLife Travel :green_circle:
Aegis Authenticator Alexander Bakker Communication :green_circle: (TOTP auth.) F-Droid Store = :free:
Airwallet Airwallet Productivity :yellow_circle: Cannot create an account in the app.
AKTIIA Aktiia Health & fitness :green_circle:
ALDI TALK Aldi Banking & finance (?) :green_circle:
Amazon Kindle Amazon Mobile LLC Entertainment :green_circle: Aurora / Google Play Store
AndBible: Bible Study And Bible Open Source Project Entertainment :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
AntennaPod AntennaPod Open Source Team Media streaming :green_circle:
Assistert Selvhjelp Assistert Selvhjelp AS Health & Fitness :green_circle:
Average data usage widget TrianguloY Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free: Mobile data usage widget
ASN Bank ASN Bank Banking & finance :green_circle:
AtB AtB Travel :green_circle:
BankID BankID BankAxept AS Banking & Finance :yellow_circle: “Raskere BankID (Faster BankID)” does not work - Verifying ID through face recognition, fingerprint or PIN. BankID still works for verifying logins and payments as usual, though without the extra security fingerprint, face recognition or another PIN could provide when verifying a login or purchase.
Battle.net Blizzard Entertainment, inc. Security :green_circle:
B-Folders Password Manager JointLogic Ltd. Security :green_circle:
Banque Migros Migros Bank (Switzerland) Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Banque Pop (Cyberplus) Banque Populaire Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Barmer App Barmer Krankenkasse Health & fitness :red_circle: FAQ: No altern. OS like Lineage, Ubuntu,
BCGE Twint Banque Cantonale de Genève Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Belfius Mobile Belfius Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
BeReal. Your friends for real. BeReal Social media :green_circle: Google Play Store
bexioGo bexio Switzerland Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
BHIM UPI National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) Banking & finance :red_circle: It fails to automatically fetch OTP and there is no option to enter OTP manually
Binary Eye Markus Fisch Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Bitdefender Central Bitdefender Security :green_circle:
Bitdefender Mobile Security Bitdefender Security :green_circle:
Bitwarden Bitwarden Inc. Security :green_circle: None of the categories fit imo
blabber.im blabber.im Communication :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
BlaBlaCar BlaBlaCar Travel :green_circle:
Blackboard Learn Anthology Inc. Productivity :green_circle:
BluOS Controller Bluesound Entertainment :green_circle:
Bosch Flow App Bosch Health & Fittness :yellow_circle: “crashing on iode 4.4 when opening map”
Brave Private Browser Brave Software Web browser & search :green_circle:
Bromite Bromite Web browser & search :yellow_circle: github :information_source: → No Update since Dez. 22!
BRS Golf App GolfNow Sport :red_circle: Error after Login
Caisse d’epargne Caisse d’epargne Banking & finance :green_circle: PlayStore
Cake Wallet Cake Labs Banking & finance :green_circle:
Camping App Womo Wowa Van Zelt Camping-App.eu Travel :green_circle: Google Play Store - Pro Version via website
Captial One Capital One Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Catima Card & Ticket manager Sylvia van Os Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Chunghwa Telecom 中華電信個人家庭分公司 Communication :green_circle:
Coop Medlem Coop Norge Shopping :green_circle:
comdirect comdirect Banking & finance :green_circle: Tested on iodéOS 4.8-2023031220
comdirect photoTAN App comdirect Banking & finance :green_circle: Tested on iodéOS 4.8-2023031220
ConnectBot ConnectBot Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Consorsbank Consorsbank Banking & finance :green_circle:
CrontoSign Banque Cantonale de Genève Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Crunchyroll Crunchyroll, LLC Media streaming :green_circle:
C24 Bank C24 Bank GmbH Banking & finance :green_circle: of course without Google Pay, everything else works
DangDai Chinese 當代中文課程 Mandarin Training Center Productivity :red_circle: Can open the app, but cannot buy nor restore books other than the “Trial” book already available in the app.
DavX5 Ricki Hirner Cloud storage :green_circle: (sync contacts&calendars) F-Droid Store = :free:
Davinci Stüber Systems GmbH Productivity :green_circle:
DB Navigator Deutsche Bahn Travel :green_circle:
Debitum Marmo Banking & finance :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Diceware Password Generator jeffisaak Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Digipost Posten & Bring Communication, Security :green_circle:
Digitales Amt BM für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort Communication :green_circle:
Digitales Bezahlen Atruvia AG Banking & finance :green_circle:
DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG Banking & finance :green_circle:
DNB DNB ASA Banking & Finance :green_circle:
DS File Synology Cloud storage :green_circle: (sync files with synology NAS)
DS Photo Synology Cloud storage :green_circle: (sync photos&videos with synology NAS)
DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser DuckDuckGo Web browser & search :green_circle:
Ecosia - Trees & Privacy Ecosia Web browser & search :green_circle:
Element Messenger Vector Creations Limited Communication :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
E-Banking Raiffeisen Switzerland Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Enpass Enpass Technologies Inc Security :green_circle:
eSpeak NG Text-to-Speech RedZoc Solutions Private Limited Productivity :green_circle:
EasyPark EasyPark AS Productivity :green_circle:
EVMap - Elektroauto laden Johan von Forstner Mobility :green_circle:
Exodus Exodus Security :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free: Show trackers/perm. in apps on your device
Facebook Meta Platforms, Inc. Social media :green_circle:
Facebook Lite Meta Platforms, Inc. Social media :green_circle:
FairEmail Marcel Bokhorst Communication :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
FAIRTIQ FAIRTIQ Ltd Travel :green_circle:
Fedilab tom79 Social media :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Feeel - home workouts Enjoying FOSS Health & fitness :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Fennec Browser Mozilla / F-droid Web browser & search :green_circle: Firefox without telemetry
FIAT Stellantis Europe S.p.A. Mobility :green_circle:
Finamp - Jellyfin Audio Player James Harvey Media streaming :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Finn.no Finn.no Shopping :green_circle:
FindMyDevice (fmd) Nulide - gitlab Security :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free: Locate/Lock/Delete → SMS. / Push with “Ntfy”
Firefox Browser: fast, private & safe web browser Mozilla Web browser & search :green_circle:
Flatex Secure App flatexDEGIRO Bank AG Banking & finance :green_circle:
Flightradar24 Flightradar24 AB Travel :red_circle:
FortiClient VPN Fortinet Security :green_circle:
Fortuneo Fortuneo inc Banking & finance :green_circle:
FOSS Browser Gaukier Faun Web browser & search :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Fossil Smartwatches Fossil Group Inc. Health & fitness :green_circle:
fraenk: Die Mobilfunk App congstar GmbH Communication :green_circle: german carrier
FreeScout FreeScout Communication :green_circle: Ticketing
Freestyle Libre Link Abbott Diabetes Care Inc. Health :red_circle: message: “Please install it from Google Playstore”
Fritz!App SmartHome AVM GmbH Home Automation :green_circle:
FUTO Voice Input FUTO Productivity :green_circle: multilingual Speech-to-Text, F-Droid Repository available
Førerkort Statens Vegvesen / NPRA Security :green_circle:
Gadgetbridge Andreas Shimokawa Health & fitness :green_circle: (sync with wearables) F-Droid Store = :free:
Garmin Connect Garmin Health & fitness :green_circle:
Geev, le réflexe anti-gaspi Geev Life Style :green_circle:
GLS mBank Classic GLS Bank eG Banking & finance :green_circle:
Gmail Google Communication :green_circle:
Google Authenticator Google Security :green_circle:
Google Chrome Google Web browser & search :red_circle:
Google Maps Google Mapping :green_circle:
Google Sheets (table editor) Google Productivity :green_circle: Since Iodé OS 5.8 20241213
GPS Test barbeau Communication :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Green-Got Green-Got Banking & Finance :green_circle: OK on Fairphone 3 at least
GVApp Genève Aéroport Travel :green_circle:
Hanseatic Bank Mobile Hanseatic Bank Banking & finance :green_circle:
Helsenorge Norsk Helsenett AS Health & Fitness :green_circle:
Hjelp 113 Stiftelsen Norsk Luftambulanse Security :green_circle:
ICSx5 bitfire web engineering Cloud storage :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Ikea Home Smart Ikea Productivity :green_circle: the new Dirigea version
Imagepipe Starfish Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Imaging Edge Mobile Sony Corporation Productivity :green_circle:
Immich FUTO Media streaming :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free: - client app for Immich Server (Photo management)
ING Bankieren (v2024.1.1.0) ING bank Banking & finance :green_circle: Tested on Iodé OS 4.8 20231216
Instagram Meta Platforms, Inc. Social media :green_circle:
Intune Microsoft device management :red_circle:
iOverlander iOverlander Travel :red_circle:
Jelbi BVG Travel :green_circle: works since iode4.3, deactivate location in case of crashes
Joplin Laurent Cozic Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Juggluco jka Health and fitness :green_circle: Blood glucose monitoring, www.juggluco.nl
JustIN Mobile Salto Systems S.L. Security :green_circle:
ikMail Infomaniak Communication :green_circle:
K-9 Mail The K-9 Dog Walkers Communication :green_circle:
kAuth Infomaniak Productivity :green_circle:
kChat Infomaniak Productivity :green_circle:
KDE Connect KDE Productivity :yellow_circle: While it works fine, it it somewhat unstable on iode, e.g. sometimes not showing up in connected devices, etc. Overall okay.
kDrive Infomaniak Cloud storage :green_circle:
KeePass DX Kunzisoft Security :green_circle: (local encripted password manager)
Keepass2Android Philipp Crocoll Security :green_circle: (local encripted password manager)
Kia Charge Digital Charging Solutions GmbH Mobility :green_circle: EV charging stations
Kia Connect Kia Connect GmbH Mobility :green_circle: Kia app
Klapp school communication Klapp GmbH Communication :green_circle:
kMeet Infomaniak Communication :green_circle:
kSync Infomaniak Productivity :green_circle:
Langis Thoughtcrime Communication :green_circle: Signal without Google Play Services support :information_source:
LBRY Communication :green_circle: (WiFi network scanner) F-Droid Store = :free:
lemmur LemmurOrg Social media :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Libby, the Library App OverDrive, Inc. Entertainment :green_circle: Aurora / Google Play Store
LibreOffice & OpenOffice document reader Thomas Taschauer Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Libre 3 Abbott Diabetes Care Inc. Health :green_circle:
LINE LINE (LY Corporation) Communication :green_circle:
Lloyds Banking Lloyds Bank Banking & finance :green_circle: Apkpure
Locus Map 4 Outdoor-Navigation Asamm Software, s. r. o. Travel :green_circle:
Ma Banque Crédit Agricole Banking & finance :green_circle:
McDonald’s McDonald’s Apps Shopping :red_circle:
Mein A1 A1 Telekom Austria AG Communication :green_circle:
Meine AOK AOK Krankenkasse Health & fitness :green_circle:
MeteoSwiss admin.ch Weather :green_circle:
MessagEase Keyboard Exideas Communication :green_circle:
MitID Digitaliserings-styrelsen Security :green_circle:
Mitt If Norge If P&C Insurance Ltd Security :green_circle:
If Europeiske Reiseforsikring If P&C Insurance Ltd Security, Travel :green_circle:
Midori Browser astian Browser :green_circle:
Monsieur Cuisine App Lidl Food & drink :green_circle:
Mull Divested Computing Group Web browser & search :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Mullvad VPN Mullvad VPN AB Security :green_circle: F-Droid Store
My BMW BMW AG Mobility :green_circle:
MyNextbase Nextbase Mobility :green_circle: Dashcam Control
MyPhoneExplorer fjsoft Backup :green_circle: Local Backup: Calendar, SMS, Contacts, Folders, For Windows-Clients
N26 - Love your bank N26 Banking Banking & finance :green_circle:
Neo Backup Antonios Hazim Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Neo Store Antonios Hazim Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Netbanking BCGE Banque Cantonale de Genève Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Netflix Netflix Inc. Media streaming :green_circle:
NewPipe TobiGr Media streaming :green_circle: (Front-end for youtube) F-Droid Store = :free:
nextbike TIER Travel :green_circle: Works fine with microG
Nextcloud Nextcloud Cloud storage :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Nextcloud Deck Niedermann IT-Dienstleistungen Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
NextcloudServices Adrewerr Cloud storage :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
NFL Fantasy Football NFL Enterprises LLC Entertainment :green_circle:
NFL Game Pass Deltatre spa Entertainment :green_circle:
Nine - Email & Calendar 9folders.com Communication :green_circle: Exchange Mail Client - email, calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes - purchase via website
Ning Communication :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Nordnet Nordnet Bank AB Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
NRK TV NRK Entertainment :green_circle:
One Viseca Switzerland Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
OneDrive Microsoft Corporation Cloud Storage :green_circle:
ONLYOFFICE Documents Ascensio System SIA Productivity :green_circle:
Open Open News & Magazine :green_circle: (news from Italian online magazine)
OpenKeyChain Dominik Schürmann Security :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
OpenTracks OpenTracks Team Health & fitness :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
OpenVPN OpenVPN Security :green_circle:
OpenVPN Connect OpenVPN Security :green_circle:
Organic Maps Offline Hiking Organic Maps Mapping :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
OsmAnd+ OsmAnd Travel :green_circle: (PRO version) F-Droid Store = :free:
OSM Dashboard for OpenTracks OpenTracks Team Mapping :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
OUI.sncf SNCF Travel :green_circle:
Outdooractive Outdooractive AG Travel :green_circle:
Outlook Microsoft Communication :green_circle:
Outlook Lite Microsoft Communication :green_circle:
ÖBB Scotty ÖBB Personenverkehr AG Travel :green_circle:
ÖBB Tickets ÖBB Personenverkehr AG Travel :green_circle:
park4night AppMobilEdition Travel :green_circle: working with iodeOS 5.8 / FP5
PAYBACK PAYBACK GmbH Shopping :red_circle: Does not start, instead there is a message that you are running the app in an untrusted environment
Payconiq by Bancontact Bancontact Company Banking & finance :red_circle:
PayPal Mobile PayPal Banking & finance :green_circle:
PayPal Business PayPal Banking & finance :green_circle:
PeakFinder Fabio Soldati Travel :green_circle: Shows the names of all mountains and peaks
People’s Choice Credit Union People’s Choice Credit Union Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
PhotoTAN Raiffeisen Switzerland Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Pleco Chinese Dictionary Pleco Productivity :green_circle:
Pocket Casts Automattic Inc Entertainment :green_circle:
Pokémon GO Niantic, Inc. Game :red_circle: With either login option, the app fails to authenticate the login.
Post & DHL Deutsche Post DHL Productivity :green_circle:
PostFinance TWINT PostFinace AG Banking & finance :green_circle:
PostNL PostNL Holding Productivity :green_circle: 13-1-2024 tested app ver. 9.8.0 on IodéOS 4.8 20231216
Privacy Browser Soren Stountner Web browser & search :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Proton Calendar Proton AG Productivity :green_circle:
Proton Drive Proton AG Cloud Storage :green_circle:
Proton Mail Proton AG Communication :green_circle:
Proton Pass Proton AG Security :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Proton VPN Proton AG Security :green_circle: F-droid Store = :free:
Qfile QNAP Cloud storage :green_circle: (access files on QNAP NAS)
QoQa QoQa Services SA Life Style :green_circle:
qobuz Qobuz Media streaming :green_circle:
QuickZoll Bundesamt Zoll… BAZG Travel :green_circle: Swiss customs: simplified declarations
Rabobank Bankieren Rabobank Banking & Finance :green_circle:
RAI News RAI News & Magazine :green_circle: (news from Italian television broadcaster)
Raiffeisen MobileSCAN Raiffeisen Switzerland Banking & finance :green_circle:
Raiffeisen PhotoTAN Raiffeisen Switzerland Banking & finance :green_circle:
Record You you-apps.net Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free: voice and screen recorder
Red Moon Stephen Michael Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free: red light screen filter
Reddit reddit Inc. Social media :green_circle:
Revolut Revolut Ltd Banking & finance :green_circle:
Roblox Roblox Corporation Game :green_circle: 13-1-2024 tested app ver. 2.605.660 on IodéOS 4.8 20231216 Works fine, except billing
Rotation Control OpenMyrtle Productivity :green_circle: Control screen orientation from notification area :information_source:
Ruter Ruter AS Travel :green_circle:
Ruuvi Station Ruuvi Innovations Oy Home automation :green_circle:
RVV Regensburger Vertriebsverbund GmbH Travel :green_circle:
Satellite sipgate Communication :green_circle: Real cell phone num-ber without SIM card; only for users residing in :de:
SBB Mobile Swiss Federal Railways Travel :green_circle:
SecureGo Plus Atruvia AG Banking & finance :green_circle:
SecurePlus BNP Paribas S.A. Banking & finance :green_circle:
Selma Selma Switzerland Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
Shelter PeterCxy Security :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Shopping Amazon Shopping :green_circle:
ShoppingList Sebastian Göls Shopping :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Signal Signal Communication :green_circle:
SIGMA RIDE App SIGMA Elektro GmbH Health and fitness :green_circle:
S-ID-Check (Sparkasse) Netcetera Banking & finance :green_circle:
S-Identity (Sparkasse) Erste Bank und Sparkassen Banking & finance :green_circle:
SimpleMobileTools Tibor Kaputa Productivity :green_circle: PRO versions for :free:
S-Invest (Sparkasse) Star Finanz GmbH Banking & finance :green_circle:
S-mobiili S-Pankki Banking & finance :green_circle: Google Play Store
SNCF Connect Travel :green_circle: Aurora Store
Snapchat Snap Inc. Social media :yellow_circle: :green_circle: no preview for front camera photos, storys and spotlight not loading. (Works perfectly fine on Fairphone 5)
Snoop Cube Pet Tec Animal Camera :green_circle:
Sonos Sonos Media streaming :green_circle:
SpardaApp Sparda-Bank Banking & Finance :green_circle:
SpardaSecureApp Sparda-Bank Banking & Finance :green_circle:
SpareBank 1 Mobilbank SpareBank1 Banking & Finance :green_circle:
Sparkasse Ihre mobile Filiale Star Finanz GmbH Banking & finance :green_circle:
Spotify Spotify Ltd. Media streaming :green_circle:
Steam Valve Corporations Security, Entertainment :green_circle:
Stellarium Stellarium Labs Mapping :green_circle: Google Play Store
Student ID+ Sikt - Kunnskapssektorens Tjenesteleverandør Security :green_circle:
StreetComplete expert edition Helium 314 Mapping :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Sunrise Smart Wi-Fi Plume Design Inc. Communication :green_circle:
Swisscows Swisscows AG Web browser & search :green_circle: Swisscows Private Search. Anonymous search engine. App :free: Aurora Store
swisstopo Federal Office of Topography Travel :green_circle: Swiss maps
tagesschau - Nachrichten ARD-Online News :green_circle: Tested on iodéOS 4.8-2023031220
Talkmore Talkmore Communication :green_circle:
TAN2go DKB Banking & finance :green_circle:
Tidal Tidal Entertainment :green_circle:
Teams Microsoft Communication :green_circle:
Tesla Tesla, Inc. Mobility :green_circle: Even carkey function works (with NFC and bluetooth)
Threema Libre Threema GmbH Communication :green_circle: Full Independence from Google Services :information_source:
TeleGuard Swisscows AG Communication :green_circle: Secure Messenger + IP-Telephony. No connection to a telephone num-ber and no collection of user identification data. :free: APK file
Tinder Tinder Social media :green_circle:
Tisseo tisseo .fr Travel :green_circle: Aurora Store
TK-App Techniker Krankenkasse Health :yellow_circle: works, except login with biometry due to missing original Play Services/Play Store, last working version 318/6.12.0, newer versions fail
Tor browser Web browser & search :green_circle:
Total Commander Ghisler Software GmbH Productivity :green_circle: app ver. 3.42d on IodéOS 4.8 20231216
Traccar Client www.traccar.org Security :green_circle: Traccar Client | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
TrackerControl Oxford HCC Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Trade Republic Trade Republic Bank GmbH Banking & finance :green_circle: Tested on iodéOS 4.8-2023031220
Transportr Torsten Grote Travel :green_circle: @grote is co-author of #Briar, SeedVault and MicroG fixes :free:
Tubular Polymorphic Media streaming :green_circle: Lightweight alternative for NewPipe IzzyOnDroid = :free:
Tusky Team Tusky Social media :green_circle: Mastodon client F-Droid Store = :free:
Tutanota Tutao GmbH Communication :green_circle: Encrypted email & calendar service :free:
Twitch Twitch Media streaming :green_circle: Works even better because the iode Blocker removes all the ads :slight_smile:
Twitter Twitter Inc. Social media :green_circle:
UBS mobile pass UBS AG Banking & finance :red_circle: reports jail broken device
UBS Twint UBS AG Banking & finance :green_circle:
Unitron Remote Plus Sonova Health :green_circle:
Unstoppable Wallet Horizontal Systems Banking & finance :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
UntrackMe tom79 Productivity :yellow_circle: Pop-up showing the link not displayed but redirection works F-Droid Store = :free:
Vespucci Vespucci Mapping :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
VGN Fahrplan & Tickets Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg GmbH Travel :green_circle:
Vipps Vipps MobilePay AS Banking & finance :yellow_circle: When verifying login through BankID, do not verify/login in the in-app Iodé browser. Tap the hamburger menu (the three dots in the upper right corner), tap “Open in Browser” and then continue as normal in the browser. If you verify National ID and Phone Num-ber in the in-app browser, the verification will fail.
VLC VLC Media streaming :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Voice Audiobook Player Paul Woitaschek Entertainment :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
VR SecureGo plus Atruvia AG Banking & finance :green_circle: Tested on iodéOS 4.8-2023031220
VR Matkalla VR-Yhtymä Oyj Travel :green_circle: Google Play Store
Vy Vygruppen AS Travel :green_circle:
Wallapop Google Commerce finance :green_circle: Aurora Store
Waltti Mobile Waltti Solutions Oy Travel :green_circle: Google Play Store
WarnWetter DWD Weather :yellow_circle: only warnings, full version requires in-app buy, which is not possible with microG
WaveUp juanitobananas Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
Waze Navigation & Live Traffic Google Commerce Ltd Mapping :green_circle:
Wero EPI Company SE Banking & finance :red_circle: asks for push notifications and then exits quickly
WhatsApp Messenger WhatsApp LLC Communication :green_circle: :red_circle: Registering a phonenumber sometimes impossible. See: Post
Windy.com Weather Windyty SE Weather :green_circle: Can purchase subscription direct from vendor
WireGuard WireGuard Productivity :green_circle: F-Droid Store = :free:
WienMobil WIENER LINIEN GmbH & Co KG Travel :green_circle:
Wise Wise Payments Ltd. Banking & Finance :green_circle: Aurora Store
xDrip+ @jamorham Health & fitness :green_circle: xDrip+
Xiaomi Home Xiaomi Productivity :green_circle:
Yellowbrick APKpure Travel :green_circle: Car parking app
Yr NRK Weather :green_circle:
Yubico Authenticator Yubico Security :green_circle:
ZKB Access ZKB Banking & finance :green_circle:
ZKB Twint ZKB Banking & finance :green_circle:
Æ - Rema 1000 REMA 1000 i Norge AS Shopping :green_circle: Turn off Iodé blocker before logging in. App is very slow - takes a minute or two to load in the first time. Seems to be fine after the first login.

How to edit

  • Please sort apps in alphabetic order.
  • Please make sure before adding an app to the incompatible section (red circle) that it also doesn’t work with the iodé blocker deactivated for this app.

Compatible options:

  • :green_circle:
  • :yellow_circle:
  • :red_circle:

Category list:

  • Banking & finance
  • Cloud storage
  • Communication
  • Entertainment
  • Food & drink
  • Game
  • Health & fitness
  • Home automation
  • Life Style
  • Mapping
  • Media streaming
  • Mobility
  • News & Magazine
  • Productivity
  • Security
  • Shopping
  • Social media
  • Travel
  • Weather
  • Web browser & search

I think theres nobody whos checking it for actuality
The list lifes with the community

Is it possible to stick this Thread to the top of the forum? I think it is quite interesting for new/potential users.
Sometimes it is far down in the list and not easy to find.


How can I edit the list and add some apps

At the end of the list you will find the edit button

1 Like

interestingly I only have an anweer option there…?

Good morning, I need to know how to do a logcat? I have an app Screwfix that either hangs or crashes. It works with other microg os so was working out were to post?


I think we need a column with the ISO date of the entry, for example 2023-04-01.

Maybe a column with the country identifier if the application applies only to this country (for example, specific banking applications or transport networks…).

The Security category should be added to put apps like Keepass, Bitwarden…

What do you think about this ?


You have only trustlevel 0, but you have to reach at least trustlevel 1 to edit a wiki. If I see that correctly, you now only have to read 2 new topics. So it is quite simple and quickly achieved. :slightly_smiling_face:

It works

Snapchat dosent work. Beta version show problem with blocked account. Allow all DNS requset in iode app dosnt help, private DNS turn off-same problem. Its strange, bacause on linageos (mi 8lite) works fine with standard version.

Has anyone already tried to use the “Green-Got” app?
I’m considering buying a Iodé phone but need to make sure I will actually be able to use that app as it is my banking app and they don’t yet have a web app.

1 Like

I don’t need this app, but I tried to install and start it - both works (on Fairphone 4 with iodéOS 4.1). But since I’m not a customer, I can’t test the app further.

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Thanks. I just received my Iodé phone today (Fairphone 3) and installed the Green-Got app.
It was installed correctly. At first the app started but I was unable to login. Now the app simply does not start (I’m stuck on the starting screen with the logo)…

Have you tried to disable the iodé blocker for this app? As it doesn’t start anymore I’d try to un- and reinstall it with the blocker disabled. Maybe it’s possible to login afterwards.

Just gave it a try. With no success…

Did you try it again ? It is maybe an issue with SafetyNet: there have been some changes recently in the way it is verified, and FP3 is concerned. A new system release in the coming days will fix the SafetyNet issue, which may allow that app to work.

I just installed the new version of IodéOS and tried again but got the same result…
For now I have to use my old FP2, it is manageable but of course not ideal.