Some updates, hopefully some dev thinks this is helpfull.
Ive tested e/OS and CalyxOS and got the same error (unlocked bootloader tho).
Im now on the FairphoneOS but still waiting for SPL updates to relock my bootloader. This results in the Play Integrity / SafetyNet being even worse. Play Integrity still just passes “basic” and YASNAC fails on “CTS”.
So Whatsapp should not work right? Wrong, it works even with my flagged phonenumber. I doubt that any “unban” happend in the last 6h.
So the issue with Whatsapp is i guess a result of microG? but the Graphene folks use sandboxed gsm and ran into the same issue.
(sorry for my bad grammar, im kinda sleepdeprived)
I am willing to test more stuff till the next fairphoneOS update comes along and i can relock my bootloader.
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