Unofficial build for Sony Xperia ZX1 Compact (lilac)

New build files for 4.7

Just done it. Everything seems to work.
I still have the stuff with numbers when I’m on a call I’m putting a screenshot so you can see what I mean

If you look well you can see that I typed some numbers but we barely can’t see them.

Thanks again

That seems to be a general problem - not just with my XZ1 Compact build. The problem goes away if you enable Dark theme, bit I don’t like that so I live with the ‘invisible numbers’ problem.

We should probably raise an issue somewhere where the Iodé developers can see it.

I’ll bring it up in the beta testers Telegram channel

Have you ever tried another dailer?
I use the one from simple mobile tools

Confirmed it is a problem with all builds, official and unofficial

Ok thanks, since I don’t like dark mode either I’ll also live with it.

New build files for 4.8

Dirty flashed this using fastboot - seems OK

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Done with recovery. Everything seems to work. Thanks

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New build files for 4.9

sha256sum files available for checking downloads

Dirty flashed this using fastboot - seems OK


New build files for 4.10

sha256sum files available for checking downloads

Dirty flashed this using fastboot - seems OK


Just want to say thanks for maintaining this device both here and elsewhere. I am thinking about picking one up thanks to your hard work. :slight_smile:


I have an issue with the native weather app (geometric weather) since friday it doesn’t connect, it says “échec de récupération des données météo”. I thought with this update 4.10 it would be resolved but no. I have two xperia xz1 compact on iodéOS and it says the same on both devices. Do you have the same problem ?

Geometric Weather app, and its associated widgets are running fine for me with this build. Have you tried clearing cache and data?

I tried to clear cache and data, same thing.
But I changed the service provider and now it’s working. So there is a problem for me with the provider AccuWeather. Openweather seems to work. And sorry, I should have tried this before asking.

I have a problem with the visual voicemail.
I can see that I have a voicemail but I can’t listen to it through the visual voicemail.
Does any of you have the same problem ?

Sorry I don’t have visual voicemail. Which app are you using? (I get several matches when searching for ‘visual voicemail’ in Aurora Store, none in F-Droid)

I use the native phone app, it’s integrated inside.
But maybe it’s something to do with the provider, I’ll ask them

So apparently it’s a problem with the provider, and I’m not the only one. It’s general and has nothing to do with the OS :wink:

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Hi everybody,

I have a question not related to the OS but to the phone.
Do you have a good working GPS, because mine is really poor. It keeps stopping and not knowing where am I. And it’s not because of the OS because it was always like that, not working very well, so I was wondering if it was a problem with all the Xperia xz1 compact or just mine ?
When I walk it’s fine because I’m slow but for driving it’s really useless and with every app I tried it’s the same.

Yes. I’m on my own unofficial los4microG build from March. I have updated microG via F-Droid to version And my microG | Location settings are

Wi-Fi location
Request from Mozilla
Request from Hotspot
Remember from Mozilla

WiFi location
Request from Mozilla
Request from Hotspot
Remember from Mozilla

Address resolver
Use Nominatim

My Location settings are
Use location
Use assisted GPS

Location services

  • Wi-Fi scanning Off
  • Bluetooth scanning Off

I have used the GPS Test app from F-Droid in the past, and I keep it installed in case I do hit location problems. But I haven’t had to use it for a long time.

Location works fine for me when walking / running (OS Maps and OsmAnd+ plus apps) and driving (Google Maps, because no other navigation app come close :smile: )