Samsung Galaxy S10 with iodé 5 and VoLTE? Or an other phone?

I’m using iodeOS since 2 years. It’s a great OS and everything works really great. Thanks a lot!!

Just I’m wondering when there is going to be iodéOS 5 for my Samsung Galaxy S10? And what is about Voice over LTE (VoLTE)??

When I switched to iodéOS I found an overview of supported devices and all working functions. But now I can´t find it. Any hint, where to get this information?
In the list [EDITABLE LIST] IodéOS official & unofficial devices I only can see the OS version. No information regarding VoLTE… :frowning:

Just on my S10 the display is a bit damaged. So for me is the question to repair the display or buy a other one. My daughter uses a Sony XA2. A great but quite old phone. There a some issues with the microphone. So there is also the question, which other phone we could buy.

I had a lock at the Google Pixel Phones because they are in generell good supported by alternative OS. I want to invest approximately 200 €. Any recommendations?

Can anybody tell me which devices will get the longest time support?

Volte will not be available on Samsung with custom ROMs.
There are also many posts about this in the forum.

There is a magnifying glass at the top (search function) :wink:

Even if you don’t like pixels… they are currently officially supported the longest. (by Google)

I was looking for small devices with Google free Android and I was also considering the Samsung S10e. Finally, I didn’t go for it due to the VoLTE issue. first countries are already closing down 2G/3G or both.

I have now a Sony XZ1C. There is an unofficial community supported IodeOS ROM for it (thanks to @petefoth :slight_smile: ) and VoLTE works there. I am pretty satisfied.

There are also unofficial IodéOS builds for newer Sony Devices

and for other Sony devices in the same 'family ’ as XZ1 Compact

All in addition to the Sony devices officially supported by IodéOS

Xperia XA2 (pioneer)
Xperia XZ1 (poplar)
Xperia XZ2 (akari)
Xperia XZ3 (akatsuki)

Sony make great devices and, via their Sony Open Devices program, they actively support the Android Custom ROM community (unlike many other manufacturers, who make life as hard as possible for custom ROM developers and maintainers). And VoLTE should work on most (all?) of them I believe, so long as it is supported by your network provider

PS The unofficial IodéOS builds are now all available from the LineageOS for microG download server at


Pixel, from the 6 series upwards in relation to manufacturer firmware updates and not just security patches

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Thank you for your hint. :sweat_smile: I had a lot questions in my post. Regarding VoLTE I was searching last time maybe one year ago. But now I searched again and found the following:

There is a quite active discussion at… So there is some hope!

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Thank you for your information regarding the Open Devices program from Sony. Nearly all the smartphones I used were Sony devices. Just in the list of officially supported devices is after Xperia XA2 and XZ3 from 2018 a long gap to the new Xperia 1 V and Xperia 5 V from 2023. The old ones are to old and the new ones are to expansive.

And still the question about VoLTE! Where to find valid (official) information regarding VoLTE support for the devices?

From your mobile service provider. (i.e. Ask them, or search online.)

If a certain Sony phone model (the specific model numb er) is certified for VoLTE with your provider, and if the iodé build is for the same specific Sony model numb er, then you will have VoLTE with your provider after installing iodéOS.

Again… not applicable in the case of Samsungs, for the reason already stated.

Too old only if they don’t get VoLTE with your (or any) provider, actually. (Or if their batteries are in bad condition.)

EDIT: Or if they no longer receive security updates.

Sony Xperia 5 ii is the one to go for if you want a 5G Sony at the kind of munny that you can’t afford not to unlock the bootloader on. the 5 ii has the Snadragon 865 with 8gb RAM 128/256 ROM, 120hz HD+ OLED display and was supported to android 12. Bought one in very good condition for £50 last week (needs a new fingerprint sensor), however, they normally bring around the £100 mark for a decent one but even in excellent condition, boxed with accessories, you can buy them for around the £140 mark.

Not officially supported but should be as there are plenty of them coming up on the bay at the moment. I would flash one for myself, but that would mean having to give up the XA2’s which I’m still not ready to do and maybe never will. Awful lot of phone for very little munny. (not a typo just that if I spell it correctly my post is not accepted)

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But why I should believe a “russian spy”?? :wink: :grimacing: :joy: :rofl: :grinning:
What is better about the Xperia 5 II then the Pixel 6 or 7??

In general it looks like the Xperia 5 II is a good device, but it is not officially supported!? I had already some Sony devices. In case of the Xperia XA2 the camera was with stock rom allot better than with custom rom. Do you know how the camera of the Xperia 5 II works wtih iodeOS?

Sadly that is the case at the moment however, it is not outside the realms of possibility that it could become official if enough support is forthcoming from iode users.

What is better about the Xperia 5 II then the Pixel 6 or 7?? It’s very easy to compare technical spec’s these days but it’s down to the user to prioritise as to which spec’s are of most interest to them. Other than that… a) Sony’s build quality speaks for itself and b) The price of the xperia 5 ii is ridiculously low at the moment.

I have one here at the moment but I am waiting for a new screen and frame for it. Haven’t gotten around to testing the camera yet as I’m taking a break from my spying activities whilst awaiting further orders from my secret contacts, but hope to be taking some top secret pics on Tik-tok and relaying them back to my handlers any time soon. :wink: