Unofficial Iodé 5 for Yoshino platform Sony devices

Unofficial 5.7 builds are now available for these devices:

  • Xperia XZ1 Dual SIM poplar_dsds
  • Xperia XZ Premium maple
  • Xperia XZ Premium Dual SIM maple_dsds
  • Xperia XZ1 Compact lilac

(Note that Xperia XZ1 poplar is an official device)

My unofficial IodéOS builds are now made available in device-specific subdirectories of this folder on the LineageOS for microG download server:

Thanks to the LineageOS for microG project for giving me access to their newly expanded download server :slight_smile: :clap:

For each device there are two is one flashable zip file

  1. iode-5.7-20241205-UNOFFICIAL-<device>zip for installation with recovery
  2. iode-5.7-20241205-UNOFFICIAL-<device> for installation with fastboot No longer supported

See this post for full installation instructions:

I have 'dirty flashed the lilac build over the previous build with no problems so far. Dirty flashing over a LineageOS for microG build will probably not work.

As always, use at your own risk, and have fun! Any / all feedback is welcome


Thanks for these builds. I dirty-flashed lilac and poplar. My poplar, which uses the lineageOS recovery (not sure how I ended up with that; must have been when I switched from LOS to iodé a couple of years ago) updated without any problem, and without loss, but the lilac, which has TWRP as recovery, had issues: backing up data fails every time, wiping and installing worked, but with loss of data, trying to restore is problematic, because I have several backups… and they’re all labeled with dates from 1969 and 1970, so I can’t tell which is most recent. Lol. (I’ve deleted them all now, to avoid future confusion.)

Fortunately I had a semi-recent Seedvault backup, which restored most things, so I ultimately had only a few steps to get back to where I was before the update. Lesson learned.

Is it preferable to use the LineageOS recovery instead of TWRP? Should I just remove/replace TWRP with a different recovery? (Is that possible…? The version is twrp-3.7.0_9-0-lilac.)

I still have the call audio problem, too. (No audio from earspeaker during calls; loudspeaker works, and earspeaker does work for any other app except the dialer.) The issue went away for a while a few months ago, but then reverted to the previous non-working state. :man_shrugging:

No audio problem with poplar. (That one doesn’t get VoLTE here, though, so has limited usability for me.)

I haven’t tried using TWRP data backup & restore for a very long time. To be honest, I wouldn’t expect it to work now.

I don’t think so. TWRP has more features than LOS recovery, and the version I use ( twrp-3.6.2_12-0-20221002-lilac.img from ) is the version recommended by the team who make the unofficial LOS builds for these devices. Replacing one recovery with another is very straightforward in fastboot:
fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.6.2_12-0-20221002-lilac.img then boot into recovery using the usual method

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Thanks for the new build! I dirty-flashed it on my lilac using LOS recovery and all appears well so far.

Very cool, thx - will install the build for the XZ premium (maple) in the next days (hopefully). Already running 5.1, iirc. Not my “active” phone, but… :slightly_smiling_face:

A user on XDA forums has reported that the build for the single-SIM Xperia XZ Premium maple does not boot. And the same is true for the los4microG build lineage-21.0-20241204 build made the previous day.

I’ve taken all those maple builds down from the server. I will try to make new builds when I can get some time on the build server. And my apologies for the problem. Maybe it’s time for me to buy one of these devices for testing.

If anyone has tried installing either of the dual-sim builds, I would be gratefulf if you can tell me whether or not they work.

Unfortunately I observed a problem with one app I frequently use, a map-based ride-sharing app. The app demonstrates poor behavior just showing the map, and most often fails to overlay any of the route lines and vehicle location symbols it usually draws. Thus I’ll have to revert to the previous build. Is that generally safe to do?

Does the app use Google Maps? If so it may be related to this issue in the microG issue tracker:

If the cause is that issue, then reverting to an old build won;t help you

Sorry, I don’t know for sure. But I do recall that in the past, flashig an older version caused some devices to bootloop untl the phone was factory reset. If you do try it, make sure you backup your user-installed apps and data, just in case. Checkout the solutions in this wiki post. They won’t backup ‘EVERYTHING’ , but they are the best I’ve found.

Does the app use Google Maps? If so it may be related to this issue in the microG issue tracker:

I think it doesn’t. The map display in this app shows “MapLibre”.

You know, it’s really odd. I have two apps from this public transport company. With both of them they draw things like route lines and vehicles on top of maps. I had much better results with both of them when I tested your LineageOS+microg build for Lilac. On both /e/OS and iodé the apps had a lot of problems drawing those things, if they drew them at all.

If only the banking apps worked on LineageOS+microg I’d happily use that instead of iodé.

Maybe the Iodé blocker is preventing the app from accessing “MapLibre” via the network. Have you tried disabling blocking (either just for this app, or disabling it completely)?

I know what you mean, but I’ve got used to using IodéOS on my daily driver device. Any problems I have with apps can usually be tracked down to them being blocked (and fixed by disabling blocking)

Yep, I disabled blocking completely. I don’t think it’s simply down to network blocking. When this app tries to draw route lines, most often they don’t display at all, but when they do, they often flicker rapidly.

For what it’s worth, the app developer appears to have addressed the issues within the app itself.

5.9 Builds for the yoshino devices are now available from

I have dirty flashed the the poplar_dsds zip and it seems to work OK

(There is also a build for poplar, which is an officially supported device, but the latest build is Iodé 4 not 5. If you want early access to Android 14, then you could give this a true. If you do try it, please remember you will not get OTA updates, and installing the official 5.n build when it arrives will have to be done manually, and may involve wiping your data. MY recommendation would be to wait for the official version :slight_smile: )

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I dirty-flashed lilac and poplar-dsds, and both seem to have installed with no issues. My lilac phone, however, still has that longstanding audio problem during calls (i.e. lack of audio in the earspeaker), so someday I will probably reflash stock, then upgrade to iodé again to see if that fixes it. It’s currently not a problem, though, because…

I’ve switched to the non-VoLTE poplar-dsds, ported my mobile nbr to, and added a data-only SIM with fairly cheap international coverage. I can dial numbers either through the normal phone dialer (using the JMP/XMPP account) or directly from the Cheogram app; the latter handles SMS, MMS, and group messages over XMPP with no issues.

One potential problem is that JMP can’t call the emergency nbr (911 in the U.S.), but the phone itself can (like all smartphones) if there’s a tower within range. Emergency services can’t call you back, though, if there’s no regular SIM inserted. I’ll probably find a cheap paygo SIM as backup, and keep it in one of the SIM slots. [EDIT: Useless in the poplar due to lack of VoLTE, I know, but I’ll probably eventually buy one of the newer dual-SIM Xperias.]

Thanks, as always, for the builds! :clap:

EDIT: Call audio now working again on the XZ1 Compact, possibly because of new SIM card, different carrier.

I’ve been running 5.9 on my lilac for several days now and all functionality appears to be fine. Thanks, @petefoth !

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