VoLTE/WiFi Calling Support?

I used termux with su privileges (su) and used following commands (if you do not have root access, then use adb):

setprop persist.dbg.allow_ims_off 1
setprop persist.dbg.volte_avail_ovr 1
setprop persist.dbg.vt_avail_ovr 1
setprop persist.dbg.wfc_avail_ovr 1
setprop persist.sys.phh.ims.caf true

In options → network → sim card I have the option to set volte calling or wifi calling.
source: GitHub - khrj/volte-fix: Fixes Qualcomm VoLTE on all GSI Treble Roms

(XZ1 with telefonica)

I have XZ1 Compact (lilac) running my own uofficial Iodé 4.4 build

  • Voice over WiFi: In Settings | Network | Calls & SMS there is a WiFi calling heading, and a setting with my operator name (EE) which says either ‘Off’ or, after clicking on it and turning ‘Use WiFi calling’ on, ‘Make and receive calls over WiFi’
  • VoLTE in Settings | Network | Internet, pressing the ‘Gear’ icon next to my operator name, I see the following settings
    • Mobile data
    • Roaming
    • App data usage
    • Data warning & limit
    • 4G Calling (which is VoLTE)

I did what you suggested @mbrum , specifically I installed the zip from the volte-fix repo using twrp.
After installing there is no sim available and no mobile network. So I had to uninstall it again. Bump.
This is on latest Iodé on an XZ1 (Poplar)

I did not install the patch, I only set the props.

that made the VoLTE switch in the network settings available.
But the phone still says “VoLTE not available” in the test menu (##4636##) and connection drops to 2g when calling

I can trigger a WIFI call when switching to flightmode and toggling wifi on.
No VoLTE though

I had to additionally flash some provider configs , according to VoLTE und VoWIFI im Congstar-Netz (Sony Xperia XZ1 Forum) (Could have to do with specific Congstar provider I am using)

Now it works ! Thanks all for the amazing help!

Seconding this request, I’m definitely interested in giving iode a go, but without VoWIFI calls at home won’t work so it’s definitely a requirement for me.

In the easter egg logo ? Eh eh

What’s the psychedelic easter egg?

What ever it depends on phone settings and network provider