Lineage OS for microG, Android U version from beginning of December if I recall correctly…
Just a quick update on my usage of the unofficial build. I have not encountered any problem so far (that was not present under microg Lineage).
Thank you very much Petefoth!
Hello Petefoth
When are you planning the next builds? There’s no hurry on my part… just wanted to know.
Many-many thanks for your great work!
It will be sometime this month. Can’t be more specific than that - sorry! Depends on a few things: when I get some free time and when there is free capacity on the build server.
A 5.9 Build for xz2c
is now available from
I dirty flashed it over the 5.8 build and it seems to be working OK. I was worried when on first boot after the update, it got as far as loading the Launcher home screen (Lawnchair 2) and the rebooted. Booting again everything seemed OK. (This was the first time in a long while that I didn’t back up my user-installed apps and data before flashing the update. I won’t make that mistake again, even though it all ended well )
Builds for the other devices named in this thread will be along later in the month (my budget didn’t run to another nine builds - at 2h20m per build - on a very powerful and very expensive cloud VM. They can wait till there’s spare build capacity on the los4microG build servers!
No problem at all if it’s “only” the end of this month.
Good luck!
Those builds - which are v6.0 rather than v5.9, because these devices are now supported by LineageOS at version 22.1 / Android 15 - are now available from
Note that none of these builds have been tested at all, as I don’t own any of the supported devices. Having seen some of the comments about Iodé6 builds in this forum and in the Beta Testers Matrix room, if I did have one of these devices as my daily driver
, I would probably wait for v6.2 to happen along before upgrading. But don’t let my natural pessimism put you off
And remember, because these unofficial builds are userdebug
builds, with rooted debugging enabled, you can backup your 5.8 apps and data in case you need to revert to a v5 build
Good luck
strong text
Well today I ‘bit the bullet’: there’s now a 6.0 build for xz2c
which is my daily driver. After backing up my user-installed apps and data (using Android Backup & Restore Tools, I dirty flashed
over my 5.9 build.
I had to flash the 6.0
recovery to get the adb sideload
to succeed but, having done that, the 6.0 build installed with no problems and it seems to be running fine: location is working, the bank apps that worked previously still works, and all seems good
Now I can relax until Android 15 / Iodé 7 comes along!
iodé6 IS android 15, so - afaik - iodé 7 will be Android 16.
Damn - I spoke too soon! I have the WiFi problems mentioned in
I’ll take the 6.0 build down, and downgrade
I have removed all the 6.0 builds for the other Sony devices (pdx203,pdx206,pdx214,pdx215,pdx234,pdx237,kirin,mermaid,voyager
) from the download server , and started a build of v5.9.
Apparently there are no problems with these devices: the WiFi problem appear to be confined to the devices using the Qualcomm SDM845 platform tama
- XZ2 akari
, XZ2 Compact xz2c
, XZ2 Premium aurora
, and XZ3 akatsuki
So I have restored the 6.0 builds for pdx203, pdx206, pdx214, pdx215, pdx234, pdx237, kirin, mermaid & voyager
to the downloade srevre, as they should be safe to use.
Sorry for the confusion
@petefoth do you know when the problem with the Wifi acces will be solved; problem originates from Lineage? Have you been using the first sources of Lineage OS 22.1 as a base? I’ve seen that 2 more builds were done… the first one quick (3 days) after the initial launch… maybe it has corrected the wifi issue ?!
This isn’t a problem with LineageOS: it is specific to IodéOS v6. 22.1 builds of LineageOS for microG don’t have the problem, and neither does official LineageOS 22.1 builds or IodéOS v5, The Iodé team are aware of the problem, and I guess they will make a fix when they have the time. Until then, I will continue to make IodéOS v5 builds for these devices. A 5.10 build should be along in the next day or two
Thank you petefoth for the reply. I just realized that the topic name is unofficial iode 5 builds for Sony devices (and not 6 builds)
Don’t worry about the release… there’s no hurry.
The only reason why I would be eager to test the 6 is that all builds of XZ2 premium until now (microg Lineage OS, /e/ and iode) have an issue with speaker (tested on 2 phones). If I try to activate the speaker while in a call it mutes the microphone… so I cannot use it.
A new version of Android has bigger chances to solve this problem.
Thank you again for your work!
You could try testing the latest 22.1 build of LineageOS for microG for aurora, from, then you will know whether your issue is fixed in newest Android
I would like to rename it as 'Unofficial Iodé builds for Sony devices ’ ,with no version nmber, but the title is no longer editable
I could try the Lineage OS but the problem is not so pressing. I very much prefer your Iode build so I’ll wait patiently…
Well… you could make a new topic with the 6 once it becomes available. If a topic has hundreds of posts (in time) that is not good anyway so better to make a new topic.
@petefoth I’ve added your builds to the custom ROM wiki, so people will find them outside of the iode community Unofficial devices - Custom ROM hardware
Thanks @brinerustle . Please could you do the same for the Sony Yoshineo platform devices named in this thread?
I also make a v5 build for Xperia XZ1 poplar
, because the official build is currently only v4.
Are there any news on the wifi issue?
Currently on LOS 22 with my sony xz2c and i’m motivated in switching to iodé. But as it’s some work, i’d prefer to use latest os release.
Just for dev to know that this rom is awaited by at least one user
More than one: my ‘daily driver’ device is also an XZ2C, and I owuld love to be able to run Iodé6