Repo sync stuck: Host key verification failed

EDIT: I have abandoned this for now;switching to try building for bluejay, Pixel 6a. v4 staging.

Sync repo succeeded but a lot of errors immediately when building. May open another topic for that!


This is my first attempt at building.

I’ve followed the preparation instructions for building iodéOS v3 combined with LineageOS build instructions for Sony XA2, pioneer.

Repo initializing was ok; it confimed my identity and the location on my pc for initializing.

Repo sync at first returned the lines:

The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256: eUXGGm1YGsMAS7vkcx6JOJdOGHPem5gQp4taiCfCLB8
This key is not known by any other names

Syncing continued and seemed to be ok (although the above message was repeated often) until an hour or so later when it stuck with this:

The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established./SPIRV-Tools
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256: eUXGGm1YGsMAS7vkcx6JOJdOGHPem5gQp4taiCfCLB8
This key is not known by any other names
Fetching: 68% (778/1136) 2:06:32 | Last synced: platform/external/deqp-deps/SPIRV-Tools
Host key verification failed.

Searching around it looks like something to do with SSH but I’m at a loss to solve it!
Or is it related directly to an issue with SPIRV-Tools?

I can’t get past this problem. I feel I’m missing something fairly basic here. Help please!

BTW, it’s no problem to sync Lineage.