Is OnePlus 9 LE2113 supported?

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe die Frage, ob das Model OnePlus 9 LE2113 unterstüzt wird. Die Informationen, die ich dazu gefunden habe, sind widersprechlich. Hier in den Ankündigungen gibt es ein Topic mit den unterstützten OnePlus 9 Modellen, aber alle dort angeführten Varianten sind nur Pro-Modelle. In dieser Liste wiederum stehen sowohl OnePlus 9 als auch OnePlus 9 Pro. Mein Versuch mit dem automatischen Installer endete mit der Meldung, dass LE2113 nicht unterstüzt wird. Wird LE2113 nur von dem Installer oder generell nicht unterstüzt?

Danke im Voraus

Here the translation of the original posting into english

I have the question whether the model OnePlus 9 LE2113 is supported. The information I found about this is contradictory. Here in the announcements there is a topic with the supported OnePlus 9 models, but all variants listed there are only Pro models. This list includes both the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro. My attempt with the automatic installer ended with the error message that LE2113 is not supported. Is LE2113 only not supported by the automatic installer or not supported in general?

Hi @EST , OP9 is supported and probably the best place to see that is here . Scroll down past all the screenshots to the list of devices.

It doesn’t actually tell you that LE2113 is supported but I’m sure it is. iode being based on Lineage should support the same devices as listed on LOS info for OP9

You might get more attention for your issue with the installer if you mark this topic solved (3 dots corner of this post) and open another topic with a heading something like “iode installer error with Oneplus 9”

Good Luck!

LE2113 is supported, it’s probably an issue with the (still beta) updater for this device. This will be fixed, but in the meantime, you can make the manual installation (GitHub - iodeOS/ota).

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@chrisrg @vince31fr thanks for your answers!

The installer has been updated, you can try the new version (0.2.0). Not guaranteed to work in all situations though…

I tried the new version of the installer. I got with it as far as checking the bootloader status. It is locked. Once I’ve unlocked the bootloader, I’ll try the installer again.

So i managed to unlock the bootloader. If i start the installer a massage pops up. “The downloaded iodéOS files are corrupted. They will be downloaded again.” Then i choose “Continue”, but the message pops up again

I have istalled iodéOS manually, since I had to learn how to use fastboot & co anyway to unlock the phone :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, there is still an issue in the installer for oneplus devices. It is related to file hosting (files too large).
Great that you managed to manually install iodéOS !

Bonjour, je viens de recevoir un Oneplus9, LE2110, seulement l’installeur iodé n’en veut pas. Puis-je sans risque tenter une install manuelle??


EDIT: je viens de regarder sur le depot GitHub, et il contient bien le fichier “” mais pas “”