FInd My Phone

Hello, please, is there a version of google s Find My Phone feature for Iodé? Thank you.

is available in f-droid

There is an app called FInd My Device (FMD) with a black and green log. Is that the one you are referring to? if so, is it safe? i could not find much information about it. Thank you

I have the F-droid FMD app installed and set up on a Sony XA2. Everything appears to be ok with it and the iode app is not reporting any unauthorised data leakage however, I’ve never had the need to use it. Intended to test it out but not got around to it yet.

I don’t need anything like that either… it was just an answer to your question.

and to your question about whether it is safe… what do you mean by safe?.. as safe as Google? :wink:

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Had to delete the first attempt cos I replied to myself, Dumb ass! So…It does offer you the opportunity to erase your data which if like me you have iode on a device that you can’t lock the bootloader with, it just makes sense to have a self destruct button should it get stolen. Doesn’t appear to be a professional outfit behind it but in case you haven’t read it… this is what you get.

Find My Device (FMD) | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

just curious: my understanding is that bootloader locking was more for persistent attacks… without a locked bootloader, how would be a malicious actor in physical possession extract the decryption keys? brute force?

haha yes, what I meant by safe is, will it collect my data and store it like Google does?

That’s a fair point, just my paranoic state of mind I’m thinking that’s telling me that a ‘kill switch’ would give me a greater sense of false security.

a kll switch for what? to turn off the phone in case you loose it?

To execute a remote factory reset so as to wipe all the data from it if it got lost or stolen. That’s assuming of course I couldn’t recover it with the location finder first.

With FMD you can send a delete command to the mobile.

These are definitely the types of app OSS OS’s (of all flavours), need if we are to woo more users away from the Goolag. I really need to install it on another phone to give it an iode reality check. Deleting my daily driver just isn’t going to happen but could install it on to one of the demo’s I’m thinking. Have you used it with iode yet?

I have both FindMyPhone and Traccar selfhosted on my Synology (docker)
Traccar is for tracking, and you only can follow your phone ( and almost everything with simcard and gps) with no remote action.
FMD is great for tracking your phone and lock it remotly (web interface or sending sms) or make it ring or take a photo, etc…, and even delete it. It’s a great app
You also have PhoneTrack or GPXPod on nextcloud


HI, thank you so much. Please, do you think it would be possible to host these apps on a cloud storage server and still maintain security and privacy? If so, which cloud service would you recommend?

He said he/she has both FMD & Traccar hosted on Synology. Was good news to receive this confirmation though as I still haven’t gotten around to testing it yet. :flushed:

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Thank you!

I think it could be hosted on a cloud. You only need to have Docker running on your server.
FMD and Traccar servers a quite easy to install with portainer. It’s just a docker compose file.
I use GPSLogger on my phones instead of the Traccar client. It’s more accurate and more battery-efficient.
Another solution is to create a NextCloud instance and install the GPXPod app which does the same thing as Traccar.

Thank you. I am a lay person when it comes to programing and setting this up is not something i am able to do. If i were to hire someone to do this for me, on Feverr, for example, what kind of background should I look for?

First of all, you need the hardware.
For Nextcloud, a raspberry PI or an old laptop will do the trick.
Installing GPXPod or PhoneTrack is within everyone’s reach. Just install an app
If you can afford it, a Synology NAS (or U-Green or Q-naps) will be a great help.
Someone with a basic understanding of computers will be able to help you.

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