Does iodéOS support cell broadcasting in Germany?

Hey there,

starting from February '23, the german government starts using cell broadcasting to communicate emergencies and catastrophes (see Cell Broadcast - Bundesweiter Warnkanal | Telefónica Deutschland).

My understanding is, that this functionality has to be supported by the smartphone vendor and the installed OS. So I’d like to know, if iodéOS supports cell broadcasting?
Is there any way to check this (e.g. via USSD code)?

Best regards!

Iode is LOS based
So, i think if LOS supports it, iode will also

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Interesting topic!

I looked at your linked page. The settings mentioned there on Android also exist in iodéOS:

  • Öffnen Sie die Geräteeinstellungen.

  • Klicken Sie dort auf den Menüpunkt „Benachrichtigungen“.

  • Wählen Sie „Notfallbenachrichtigungen für Mobilgeräte“.

Just activate the test warnings and see if you get test warnings from February 2023.

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Hmm, on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ I didn’t find this setting in the “Notifications” menu. But when I search for “emergency”, I find the setting “Wireless emergency alerts”, that looks like the menu mentioned on the linked page.

I just activated the test alerts and am curious about the result :slight_smile:


Strangely with my FP4 the settings are called exactly as indicated on the linked page. Would have thought that the structure of the settings in iodéOS is always the same. Maybe it depends on the smartphone manufacturer instead?

Then you should already receive a test alert on 8.12. from 11h. I just received an SMS about it. Perhaps you can report if it worked for you?

Sure, I’ve just set a reminder :slight_smile:




Unfortunately, today I didn’t receive any cell broadcast notification at all :frowning:
I double-checked the settings and compared it to the one’s a colleague of mine has set, who received the warning on his Fairphone (with iodé). I couldn’t figure out, why it didn’t work for me.

Does your colleague have a Fairphone 3 or 4?

I found something here:

Woran es sonst noch liegen kann
Damit das Smartphone die via Cell Broadcast gesendete Nachricht erhält, muss es eingeschaltet sein und Empfang haben. Wer gerade in einem Funkloch unterwegs ist oder den Flugmodus aktiviert hat, erhält die Warnungen also nicht.

or here:

Im Betriebssystem Android muss die Cell-Broadcast-App vorhanden sein und die aktivierten Kanäle dürfen nicht nur dreistellig sein. Hersteller sollten die Funktion für Cell Broadcast als Android-Update auch an ältere Geräte nachliefern können. Dass das für die zahlreichen Geräte geschieht, die offiziell eigentlich keinen Support mehr erhalten, ist aber eher unwahrscheinlich. Das betrifft vor allem Geräte mit Android-Versionen 10 und abwärts.

No idea if this is something that could only be supplied by Samsung and if Samsung made this for your model.

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Unfortunately, I also did not receive a broadcast notification, yesterday (2022-12-08). I am running iodéOS2.8 on a Samsung Galaxy S9 rooted with Magisk 25.2.

  • The emergency notification (Notfallbenachrichtigungen) is enabled
  • No notification was received
  • In the notification settings vibration is enabled
  • In the notification settings the reminder is set to once
  • In the developer options I have enabled “display notification channel warnings” (Benachrichtigungskanal-Warnungen anzeigen)
  • I have not installed any special app for cell broadcast notifications

I will contact my telephone service provider to find out, if a cell broadcast was actually sent at my place.


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It worked for my device Sony XZ2 with 3.3 installed. Even an old XZ1 without SIM card, but WiFi connection software LOS received the notification

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On my FP4 with iodeos 3.3 it worked on 8.12.22 ( E-Plus ) . I recieved the message. Perhaps its not only the phone or the OS- the provider of the mobile network may have problems. On my sony z5 with LOS 18.1 i don´t revceive the message ( Vodafone)


Yes, I have read that too. Sometimes it depends on the provider.

At the end of the process, it was just a test day. Now they have data from which they can see where there is still a problem. There will probably be another test day soon to see if all the problems have been solved in the meantime.

Then your phone @rtfm98 will surely send out a warning, too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for all your answers! The mixed feedback is very interesting.

He has a Fairphone 4

Thanks for the links! My phone was on and online, that shouldn’t be the problem here.

I have an application named “Cell Broadcast Service” on my phone (
My “emergency alert history” is empty, though.

I don’t know how to check that. But as I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ (released 2019) I don’t think that’s the limiting factor.

Did you check your “emergency alert history”? Mine is empty.

Please let us know what your provider responded :slight_smile:

That may be possible. To my knowledge, other people (e.g. with plain Android) haven’t received a notification either. So it may be a problem that has nothing to do with iodé at all.

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The article references a list from the BBK (Cell Broadcast - Kann mein Gerät Cell Broadcast empfangen? - BBK) that contains plenty of compatible phones. Including my “Samsung Galaxy Note10+”

Another interesting quote from the BBK, translated by deepl:

By the way, there is one exception to the option of deactivating cell broadcast warnings: Messages with the highest warning level (warning level 1) cannot be deactivated, explains BBK. Therefore, they do not even appear in the selection on both iOS and Android. The trial warning is sent in the highest priority level (warning level 1).

I still owe you an answer concerning the reply of my telephone service provider. Unfortunately, my provider is just a retail provider and does not run his own mobile phone network. So, I drew a blank. He could not provide the information I was looking for. :frowning_face:
Needless to say, my Samsung Galaxy S9 is not listed among the compatible smartphones of the aforementioned BKK list. :cry:


A small update from my side:
Today was a test alarm in Bavaria/Germany at 11.
Five minutes later I got the alarm with vibration and sound on my phone (FP4).
If I remember correctly there was no sound last time.

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With my Samsung Galaxy A5 I received a message today at 11:05.
But there was only a popup window, i.e. no alert sound (just a short buzz).
My ringtone was set to “buzzing only” but I expected that cell broadcast is ignoring this setting?
Anybody here with a A5+iode in Germany with similar experiences?

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Today was another test in Germany.

I didn’t receive a broadcast, hisory is also empty. My S9+ on iode 4.4 was connected at the time.

But I don’t know if it is iodes fault. Everyone around me did receive a notification.