Auto-logout of iodéOS premium account

Le réseau est peut-être désactivé pour l’app iodé ? Click long lsur l’icône, Infos sur l’appli, Données mobiles et wifi

Same problem here:

  • S10e Iode App Version 2.0.2
  • Registration within the blocker app leads to the message “server not reachable, please try again later”

What did I check?
-retry severall times
-mobile data / wifi (even restricted data usage) for Iode app in Android app settings is granted.

Is it a general Iode-Website problem with the registration?
→ when I go and check my login at
→ no message at all, and I cannot login

Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Unter “Mobile Daten und WLAN” sind bei mir alle Schalter an. (Außer “Uneingeschränkte Datennutzung”.)
-übersetzt mit DeepL

J’ai le même problème. Sous “Données mobiles et WLAN”, tous les interrupteurs sont activés chez moi. (Sauf “Utilisation illimitée des données”).
-traduit avec DeepL

Solution found for me (account generation about german link above):

  1. reset password
  2. login with new password leads to french site:
  3. access in iode blocker app with new credentials → successfully loggin
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seems there is an issue with special characters in different languages on different portal language settings…smells like that…

Sadly that didn’t work for me. I even used just numbers and letters for the new password (no special characters).

So I am hoping for tomorrow. (Middle of the night might be even better, but - nope.)

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I just used letters and a special character - no numbers. May the special character is mandatory? Can you login at your PC ? My assumption is that when the PC login works → also the blocker app login works

the special character is mandatory? I thought so too, but it does work without. Yes, I can login at the PC. So your assumption isn’t correct for me. (Wish it would be.)

It worked for me, thank you!

Same for me, “Connexion impossible, impossible de se connecter au serveur, veuillez réessayer plus tard”.
I’ve changed password 3 times, connexion to my account worked on Mac Safari, but doesn’t on iodé Mobile Premium.
I’ve downloaded and installed iodé 3.7 (1,6 Go) on the 28th of June.

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Same problem here. I’m able to access to but I can’t login within the iode app.

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Having tried several times, I’m now connected, I didn’t change my password.


Still not working for me. We are talking about this “place” to get connected, is that right?

Yeap imho

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New test, now I’ve got access to the server but “Connexion refusée, Vos identifiants de connexion sont incorrects”.
Same email address and password used on Mac Safari are working well…

Same here.

Ich habe es gerade noch einmal probiert. Wenn ich mich mit meinem Benutzername und dem Passwort anmelde kommen diverse Fehlermeldungen. Wenn ich aber statt des Benutzernamens die E-Mailadresse in der ersten Zeile und dann das Passwort in der zweiten Zeile eingebe kann ich mich ohne Probleme einloggen.

Je viens de réessayer. Si je me connecte avec mon nom d’utilisateur et mon mot de passe, divers messages d’erreur apparaissent. Mais si je saisis l’adresse e-mail à la place du nom d’utilisateur sur la première ligne et ensuite le mot de passe sur la deuxième ligne, je peux me connecter sans problème.

yes, always use email not username. this is common

Worked for me! Thanks

Je viens de vérifier et tout est activé (dont wifi)