Xiaomi Mi 9 cepheus iodéOS 4.14 Updater keeps stopping + data corrupt

Xiaomi Mi 9 (cepheus)

Version of iodéOS which existed previously: iode-4.12-20240526-cepheus
Version of recovery which existed previously: iode-4.12-20240526-cepheus-recovery

An almost identical negative update scenario as with the Google Pixel 3 (blueline)

Yes, I tried that too, but without success.

The update variant iode-4.14-20240724-cepheus-fastboot led to the same negative result:

Can’t laod Android system. Your data may be corrupt …

Neither intenes …
:x: Local update
… nor the classic …
:x: adb sideload iode-4.14-20240724-cepheus-ota.zip
… nor …
:x: iode-4.14-20240724-cepheus-fastboot (flash-all.bat)
were able to update the system.

My solution(s) were: Using other custom recoveries:

:white_check_mark: PixelExperience_cepheus-13.0-20221127-0218-OFFICIAL.img
:white_check_mark: TWRP-3.7.0_12-0_26Jan2023.img

With both recoveries an error-free update via adb sidload iode-4.14-20240724-cepheus-ota.zip was possible.