Too much memory pressure

A lot of these kinda crashes:

Rescheduling restart of crashed service de.mm20.launcher2.release/de.mm20.launcher2.notifications.NotificationService in 13314ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service com.whatsapp/.service.GcmFGService in 43314ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service in 94867ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel/.QcrilMsgTunnelService in 124867ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service org.lineageos.profiles/.ProfilesTrustAgent in 154867ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService in 200830ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service com.touchtype.swiftkey/com.touchtype.KeyboardService in 230830ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service in 414867ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service com.touchtype.swiftkey/com.touchtype.telemetry.TelemetryService in 580759ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService in 716426ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service in 746426ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service in 1757282257ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service com.touchtype.swiftkey/com.touchtype_fluency.service.FluencyServiceImpl in 2223214263ms for mem-pressure-event
Rescheduling restart of crashed service in 61583893369ms for mem-pressure-event
Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes):
Uptime: 313877970 Realtime: 422718702

Total RSS by process:
    288,812K: system (pid 1502)

    208,356K: (pid 3699)

    203,388K: com.touchtype.swiftkey (pid 28399)

    195,892K: (pid 27901 / activities)

    136,684K: (pid 27938)

    102,836K: surfaceflinger (pid 591)

     88,484K: (pid 28492)

     84,068K: (pid 28517) (user 10)

     82,196K: (pid 4036)

     79,272K: (pid 28224)

     73,220K: .qtidataservices (pid 28523) (user 10)

     67,600K: (pid 5176)

     65,280K: (pid 3963)

     54,188K: (pid 3996)

     53,064K: (pid 7764) (user 10)

     52,428K: com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel (pid 27831)

     52,024K: org.lineageos.profiles (pid 27789)

     49,744K: (pid 27790)

     46,820K: org.codeaurora.ims (pid 4028)

     46,520K: (pid 5209)

     45,976K: .qtidataservices (pid 4011)

     44,584K: zygote64 (pid 1114)

     41,832K: .dataservices (pid 5214)

     41,368K: (pid 4033)

     41,016K: org.lineageos.audiofx (pid 5223)

     40,564K: com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice (pid 4026)

     15,712K: iode-snort (pid 1508)

     11,484K: qcrild (pid 1636)

      9,504K: qcrild (pid 1665)

      8,256K: keystore2 (pid 585)

      7,384K: audioserver (pid 1284)

      7,264K: adbd (pid 1340)

      6,216K: logd (pid 543)

      5,836K: storaged (pid 1494)

      5,404K: netd (pid 1113)

      5,144K: (pid 639)

      4,988K: media.extractor (pid 1488)

      4,504K: cameraserver (pid 1431)

      4,428K: media.swcodec (pid 1536)

      4,204K: mediaserver (pid 1490)

      4,180K: netmgrd (pid 1525)

      3,928K: dumpsys (pid 28556)

      3,916K: lmkd (pid 544)

      3,904K: cnd (pid 1514)

      3,716K: android.system.suspend-service (pid 584)

      3,644K: wpa_supplicant (pid 3669)

      3,532K: (pid 593)

      3,524K: imsdatadaemon (pid 1688)

      3,448K: vold (pid 559)

      3,256K: init (pid 1)

      3,120K: media.metrics (pid 1489)

      3,060K: ueventd (pid 424)

      3,024K: iptables-restore (pid 22886)

      3,012K: android.hardware.gnss@2.1-service-qti (pid 1226)

      3,012K: android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service (pid 1235)

      3,012K: ip6tables-restore (pid 22887)

      2,984K: android.hardware.wifi-service (pid 1240)

      2,944K: sh (pid 28396)

      2,940K: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.2-service (pid 1251)

      2,908K: android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service-qti (pid 557)

      2,896K: zygote (pid 1115)

      2,860K: prng_seeder (pid 534)

      2,800K: android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service-qti (pid 587)

      2,776K: qseecomd (pid 570)

      2,776K: wificond (pid 1498)

      2,748K: hwservicemanager (pid 546)

      2,724K: vndservicemanager (pid 547)

      2,672K: perfservice (pid 1510)

      2,668K: android.hardware.power-service-qti (pid 1234)

      2,636K: ipacm (pid 1098)

      2,632K: servicemanager (pid 545)

      2,632K: vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0-service (pid 558)

      2,624K: android.hardware.boot@1.0-service (pid 586)

      2,580K: update_engine (pid 1612)

      2,500K: gatekeeperd (pid 1604)

      2,488K: vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc@2.0-service (pid 1244)

      2,424K: vendor.qti.hardware.vibrator.service (pid 1266)

      2,420K: gpuservice (pid 1287)

      2,400K: ims_rtp_daemon (pid 2249)

      2,344K: tombstoned (pid 620)

      2,340K: installd (pid 1487)

      2,292K: statsd (pid 1112)

      2,280K: webview_zygote (pid 3945)

      2,216K: cnss-daemon (pid 1568)

      2,180K: (pid 1242)

      2,160K: credstore (pid 1285)

      2,104K: incidentd (pid 1467)

      2,100K: android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service (pid 1219)

      2,084K: android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (pid 1622)

      2,080K: vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.1-service (pid 1245)

      2,076K: android.hardware.drm-service.clearkey (pid 1224)

      2,072K: (pid 1227)

      2,072K: vendor.display.color@1.0-service (pid 1241)

      2,056K: android.hardware.light@2.0-service.msm8953 (pid 1228)

      1,996K: adb_root (pid 1500)

      1,980K: android.hardware.usb@1.3-service.basic (pid 1239)

      1,956K: hvdcp_opti (pid 1430)

      1,944K: android.hardware.cas-service.example (pid 1269)

      1,944K: sensors.qti (pid 1303)

      1,936K: android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (pid 1230)

      1,904K: android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-qti (pid 1221)

      1,816K: thermal-engine (pid 4530)

      1,792K: rmt_storage (pid 1290)

      1,784K: msm_irqbalance (pid 1674)

      1,696K: vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.2-service (pid 1255)

      1,696K: mm-pp-dpps (pid 1338)

      1,688K: android.hardware.thermal@2.0-service.qti (pid 1236)

      1,688K: dspservice (pid 1249)

      1,684K: vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0-service (pid 1254)

      1,680K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sdm (pid 1632)

      1,676K: adsprpcd (pid 1528)

      1,672K: qcc-trd (pid 1626)

      1,668K: vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0-service (pid 1257)

      1,664K: ATFWD-daemon (pid 1591)

      1,656K: time_daemon (pid 1097)

      1,652K: vendor.qti.hardware.capabilityconfigstore@1.0-service (pid 1246)

      1,640K: init (pid 422)

      1,640K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sysfs (pid 1243)

      1,636K: vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0-service-qti (pid 1259)

      1,636K: pm-service (pid 1280)

      1,632K: adpl (pid 1689)

      1,628K: qti (pid 1680)

      1,592K: wcnss_service_prebuilt (pid 1594)

      1,576K: pm-proxy (pid 1339)

      1,576K: mlid (pid 1584)

      1,572K: traced_probes (pid 1416)

      1,572K: imsqmidaemon (pid 1518)

      1,568K: media.codec (pid 1513)

      1,552K: traced (pid 1419)

      1,540K: remosaic_daemon (pid 1602)

      1,520K: tftp_server (pid 1292)

      1,516K: port-bridge (pid 1526)

      1,404K: qrtr-ns (pid 1273)

      1,168K: (pid 1220)

      1,004K: drmserver (pid 1403)

        512K: (pid 1222)

        428K: android.hardware.drm-service.widevine (pid 1225)

        324K: android.hardware.cas@1.2-service (pid 1223)

        312K: ssgqmigd (pid 1579)

Total RSS by OOM adjustment:
    467,244K: Native

        102,836K: surfaceflinger (pid 591)

         44,584K: zygote64 (pid 1114)

         15,712K: iode-snort (pid 1508)

         11,484K: qcrild (pid 1636)

          9,504K: qcrild (pid 1665)

          8,256K: keystore2 (pid 585)

          7,384K: audioserver (pid 1284)

          7,264K: adbd (pid 1340)

          6,216K: logd (pid 543)

          5,836K: storaged (pid 1494)

          5,404K: netd (pid 1113)

          5,144K: (pid 639)

          4,988K: media.extractor (pid 1488)

          4,504K: cameraserver (pid 1431)

          4,428K: media.swcodec (pid 1536)

          4,204K: mediaserver (pid 1490)

          4,180K: netmgrd (pid 1525)

          3,928K: dumpsys (pid 28556)

          3,916K: lmkd (pid 544)

          3,904K: cnd (pid 1514)

          3,716K: android.system.suspend-service (pid 584)

          3,644K: wpa_supplicant (pid 3669)

          3,532K: (pid 593)

          3,524K: imsdatadaemon (pid 1688)

          3,448K: vold (pid 559)

          3,256K: init (pid 1)

          3,120K: media.metrics (pid 1489)

          3,060K: ueventd (pid 424)

          3,024K: iptables-restore (pid 22886)

          3,012K: android.hardware.gnss@2.1-service-qti (pid 1226)

          3,012K: android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service (pid 1235)

          3,012K: ip6tables-restore (pid 22887)

          2,984K: android.hardware.wifi-service (pid 1240)

          2,944K: sh (pid 28396)

          2,940K: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.2-service (pid 1251)

          2,908K: android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service-qti (pid 557)

          2,896K: zygote (pid 1115)

          2,860K: prng_seeder (pid 534)

          2,800K: android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service-qti (pid 587)

          2,776K: qseecomd (pid 570)

          2,776K: wificond (pid 1498)

          2,748K: hwservicemanager (pid 546)

          2,724K: vndservicemanager (pid 547)

          2,672K: perfservice (pid 1510)

          2,668K: android.hardware.power-service-qti (pid 1234)

          2,636K: ipacm (pid 1098)

          2,632K: servicemanager (pid 545)

          2,632K: vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0-service (pid 558)

          2,624K: android.hardware.boot@1.0-service (pid 586)

          2,580K: update_engine (pid 1612)

          2,500K: gatekeeperd (pid 1604)

          2,488K: vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc@2.0-service (pid 1244)

          2,424K: vendor.qti.hardware.vibrator.service (pid 1266)

          2,420K: gpuservice (pid 1287)

          2,400K: ims_rtp_daemon (pid 2249)

          2,344K: tombstoned (pid 620)

          2,340K: installd (pid 1487)

          2,292K: statsd (pid 1112)

          2,280K: webview_zygote (pid 3945)

          2,216K: cnss-daemon (pid 1568)

          2,180K: (pid 1242)

          2,160K: credstore (pid 1285)

          2,104K: incidentd (pid 1467)

          2,100K: android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service (pid 1219)

          2,084K: android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (pid 1622)

          2,080K: vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.1-service (pid 1245)

          2,076K: android.hardware.drm-service.clearkey (pid 1224)

          2,072K: (pid 1227)

          2,072K: vendor.display.color@1.0-service (pid 1241)

          2,056K: android.hardware.light@2.0-service.msm8953 (pid 1228)

          1,996K: adb_root (pid 1500)

          1,980K: android.hardware.usb@1.3-service.basic (pid 1239)

          1,956K: hvdcp_opti (pid 1430)

          1,944K: android.hardware.cas-service.example (pid 1269)

          1,944K: sensors.qti (pid 1303)

          1,936K: android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (pid 1230)

          1,904K: android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-qti (pid 1221)

          1,816K: thermal-engine (pid 4530)

          1,792K: rmt_storage (pid 1290)

          1,784K: msm_irqbalance (pid 1674)

          1,696K: vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.2-service (pid 1255)

          1,696K: mm-pp-dpps (pid 1338)

          1,688K: android.hardware.thermal@2.0-service.qti (pid 1236)

          1,688K: dspservice (pid 1249)

          1,684K: vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0-service (pid 1254)

          1,680K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sdm (pid 1632)

          1,676K: adsprpcd (pid 1528)

          1,672K: qcc-trd (pid 1626)

          1,668K: vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0-service (pid 1257)

          1,664K: ATFWD-daemon (pid 1591)

          1,656K: time_daemon (pid 1097)

          1,652K: vendor.qti.hardware.capabilityconfigstore@1.0-service (pid 1246)

          1,640K: init (pid 422)

          1,640K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sysfs (pid 1243)

          1,636K: vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0-service-qti (pid 1259)

          1,636K: pm-service (pid 1280)

          1,632K: adpl (pid 1689)

          1,628K: qti (pid 1680)

          1,592K: wcnss_service_prebuilt (pid 1594)

          1,576K: pm-proxy (pid 1339)

          1,576K: mlid (pid 1584)

          1,572K: traced_probes (pid 1416)

          1,572K: imsqmidaemon (pid 1518)

          1,568K: media.codec (pid 1513)

          1,552K: traced (pid 1419)

          1,540K: remosaic_daemon (pid 1602)

          1,520K: tftp_server (pid 1292)

          1,516K: port-bridge (pid 1526)

          1,404K: qrtr-ns (pid 1273)

          1,168K: (pid 1220)

          1,004K: drmserver (pid 1403)

            512K: (pid 1222)

            428K: android.hardware.drm-service.widevine (pid 1225)

            324K: android.hardware.cas@1.2-service (pid 1223)

            312K: ssgqmigd (pid 1579)

    948,740K: Persistent

        288,812K: system (pid 1502)

        208,356K: (pid 3699)

         82,196K: (pid 4036)

         65,280K: (pid 3963)

         46,820K: org.codeaurora.ims (pid 4028)

         46,520K: (pid 5209)

         45,976K: .qtidataservices (pid 4011)

         41,832K: .dataservices (pid 5214)

         41,368K: (pid 4033)

         41,016K: org.lineageos.audiofx (pid 5223)

         40,564K: com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice (pid 4026)

    174,852K: Persistent Service

         67,600K: (pid 5176)

         54,188K: (pid 3996)

         53,064K: (pid 7764) (user 10)

    195,892K: Foreground

        195,892K: (pid 27901 / activities)

    370,152K: Visible

        136,684K: (pid 27938)

         79,272K: (pid 28224)

         52,428K: com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel (pid 27831)

         52,024K: org.lineageos.profiles (pid 27789)

         49,744K: (pid 27790)

    203,388K: Perceptible

        203,388K: com.touchtype.swiftkey (pid 28399)

     73,220K: A Services

         73,220K: .qtidataservices (pid 28523) (user 10)

    172,552K: Cached

         88,484K: (pid 28492)

         84,068K: (pid 28517) (user 10)

Total RSS by category:
    536,300K: .so mmap

    462,592K: .art mmap

    333,720K: .jar mmap

    309,480K: Dalvik

    269,280K: Native

    169,044K: .oat mmap

    151,448K: EGL mtrack

     92,088K: .apk mmap

     77,092K: Dalvik Other

     47,900K: Other mmap

     40,324K: .dex mmap

     39,060K: Other dev

     25,216K: Unknown

     22,708K: Gfx dev

     15,528K: Stack

     13,176K: Ashmem

      1,084K: .ttf mmap

          0K: Cursor

          0K: GL mtrack

          0K: Other mtrack

Total PSS by process:
    234,752K: system (pid 1502)

    204,181K: iode-snort (pid 1508)

    194,625K: (pid 3699)

    126,501K: com.touchtype.swiftkey (pid 28399)

    115,577K: (pid 27901 / activities)

    111,595K: surfaceflinger (pid 591)

     74,349K: (pid 27938)

     66,546K: (pid 4036)

     52,128K: (pid 5176)

     40,822K: (pid 3996)

     38,845K: (pid 3963)

     32,854K: org.codeaurora.ims (pid 4028)

     29,528K: (pid 7764) (user 10)

     22,204K: webview_zygote (pid 3945)

     21,726K: zygote (pid 1115)

     19,264K: (pid 28224)

     18,200K: com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel (pid 27831)

     18,121K: org.lineageos.profiles (pid 27789)

     18,021K: (pid 28492)

     17,668K: (pid 27790)

     15,345K: (pid 28517) (user 10)

     14,797K: .qtidataservices (pid 4011)

     13,195K: (pid 1222)

     12,622K: (pid 5209)

     11,919K: qcrild (pid 1636)

     11,643K: .dataservices (pid 5214)

     10,442K: .qtidataservices (pid 28523) (user 10)

     10,431K: (pid 1220)

     10,307K: audioserver (pid 1284)

      9,816K: qcrild (pid 1665)

      7,897K: org.lineageos.audiofx (pid 5223)

      7,577K: (pid 4033)

      7,568K: keystore2 (pid 585)

      7,249K: mediaserver (pid 1490)

      6,853K: com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice (pid 4026)

      6,719K: media.metrics (pid 1489)

      6,703K: cameraserver (pid 1431)

      6,170K: zygote64 (pid 1114)

      6,162K: adbd (pid 1340)

      5,786K: media.extractor (pid 1488)

      5,692K: init (pid 1)

      5,576K: netmgrd (pid 1525)

      5,009K: storaged (pid 1494)

      4,963K: media.swcodec (pid 1536)

      4,729K: logd (pid 543)

      4,209K: netd (pid 1113)

      4,084K: (pid 639)

      3,335K: installd (pid 1487)

      3,271K: media.codec (pid 1513)

      3,125K: cnd (pid 1514)

      2,968K: android.hardware.gnss@2.1-service-qti (pid 1226)

      2,961K: imsdatadaemon (pid 1688)

      2,744K: vold (pid 559)

      2,521K: ueventd (pid 424)

      2,403K: wpa_supplicant (pid 3669)

      2,107K: ims_rtp_daemon (pid 2249)

      2,100K: android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service (pid 1235)

      2,057K: init (pid 422)

      2,026K: statsd (pid 1112)

      2,009K: wificond (pid 1498)

      1,874K: hwservicemanager (pid 546)

      1,844K: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.2-service (pid 1251)

      1,809K: cnss-daemon (pid 1568)

      1,717K: update_engine (pid 1612)

      1,660K: android.hardware.wifi-service (pid 1240)

      1,652K: ipacm (pid 1098)

      1,630K: servicemanager (pid 545)

      1,630K: thermal-engine (pid 4530)

      1,497K: drmserver (pid 1403)

      1,490K: gpuservice (pid 1287)

      1,379K: android.system.suspend-service (pid 584)

      1,364K: android.hardware.drm-service.widevine (pid 1225)

      1,353K: qseecomd (pid 570)

      1,351K: (pid 593)

      1,320K: vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc@2.0-service (pid 1244)

      1,316K: perfservice (pid 1510)

      1,272K: dumpsys (pid 28556)

      1,220K: prng_seeder (pid 534)

      1,210K: credstore (pid 1285)

      1,206K: ip6tables-restore (pid 22887)

      1,173K: android.hardware.thermal@2.0-service.qti (pid 1236)

      1,169K: android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-qti (pid 1221)

      1,149K: android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service-qti (pid 557)

      1,143K: iptables-restore (pid 22886)

      1,124K: sh (pid 28396)

      1,092K: gatekeeperd (pid 1604)

      1,083K: hvdcp_opti (pid 1430)

      1,080K: android.hardware.power-service-qti (pid 1234)

      1,067K: vendor.display.color@1.0-service (pid 1241)

      1,066K: incidentd (pid 1467)

      1,061K: ATFWD-daemon (pid 1591)

      1,034K: sensors.qti (pid 1303)

      1,019K: lmkd (pid 544)

      1,013K: mm-pp-dpps (pid 1338)

      1,012K: qcc-trd (pid 1626)

      1,003K: (pid 1227)

        994K: android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service-qti (pid 587)

        982K: vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.1-service (pid 1245)

        973K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sdm (pid 1632)

        972K: android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (pid 1622)

        971K: vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0-service (pid 558)

        969K: vndservicemanager (pid 547)

        955K: android.hardware.drm-service.clearkey (pid 1224)

        954K: pm-service (pid 1280)

        952K: vendor.qti.hardware.vibrator.service (pid 1266)

        949K: android.hardware.boot@1.0-service (pid 586)

        933K: adsprpcd (pid 1528)

        924K: vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0-service (pid 1257)

        920K: dspservice (pid 1249)

        908K: vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0-service-qti (pid 1259)

        904K: android.hardware.cas@1.2-service (pid 1223)

        903K: android.hardware.usb@1.3-service.basic (pid 1239)

        897K: vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.2-service (pid 1255)

        893K: android.hardware.light@2.0-service.msm8953 (pid 1228)

        884K: vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0-service (pid 1254)

        884K: pm-proxy (pid 1339)

        877K: adpl (pid 1689)

        873K: qti (pid 1680)

        869K: android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (pid 1230)

        868K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sysfs (pid 1243)

        864K: time_daemon (pid 1097)

        848K: vendor.qti.hardware.capabilityconfigstore@1.0-service (pid 1246)

        846K: rmt_storage (pid 1290)

        846K: traced (pid 1419)

        844K: (pid 1242)

        838K: traced_probes (pid 1416)

        831K: adb_root (pid 1500)

        814K: android.hardware.cas-service.example (pid 1269)

        812K: wcnss_service_prebuilt (pid 1594)

        807K: android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service (pid 1219)

        804K: tftp_server (pid 1292)

        803K: remosaic_daemon (pid 1602)

        796K: msm_irqbalance (pid 1674)

        795K: port-bridge (pid 1526)

        768K: imsqmidaemon (pid 1518)

        719K: mlid (pid 1584)

        659K: tombstoned (pid 620)

        591K: qrtr-ns (pid 1273)

        504K: ssgqmigd (pid 1579)

Total PSS by OOM adjustment:
    613,699K: Native

        204,181K: iode-snort (pid 1508)

        111,595K: surfaceflinger (pid 591)

         22,204K: webview_zygote (pid 3945)

         21,726K: zygote (pid 1115)

         13,195K: (pid 1222)

         11,919K: qcrild (pid 1636)

         10,431K: (pid 1220)

         10,307K: audioserver (pid 1284)

          9,816K: qcrild (pid 1665)

          7,568K: keystore2 (pid 585)

          7,249K: mediaserver (pid 1490)

          6,719K: media.metrics (pid 1489)

          6,703K: cameraserver (pid 1431)

          6,170K: zygote64 (pid 1114)

          6,162K: adbd (pid 1340)

          5,786K: media.extractor (pid 1488)

          5,692K: init (pid 1)

          5,576K: netmgrd (pid 1525)

          5,009K: storaged (pid 1494)

          4,963K: media.swcodec (pid 1536)

          4,729K: logd (pid 543)

          4,209K: netd (pid 1113)

          4,084K: (pid 639)

          3,335K: installd (pid 1487)

          3,271K: media.codec (pid 1513)

          3,125K: cnd (pid 1514)

          2,968K: android.hardware.gnss@2.1-service-qti (pid 1226)

          2,961K: imsdatadaemon (pid 1688)

          2,744K: vold (pid 559)

          2,521K: ueventd (pid 424)

          2,403K: wpa_supplicant (pid 3669)

          2,107K: ims_rtp_daemon (pid 2249)

          2,100K: android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service (pid 1235)

          2,057K: init (pid 422)

          2,026K: statsd (pid 1112)

          2,009K: wificond (pid 1498)

          1,874K: hwservicemanager (pid 546)

          1,844K: vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.2-service (pid 1251)

          1,809K: cnss-daemon (pid 1568)

          1,717K: update_engine (pid 1612)

          1,660K: android.hardware.wifi-service (pid 1240)

          1,652K: ipacm (pid 1098)

          1,630K: servicemanager (pid 545)

          1,630K: thermal-engine (pid 4530)

          1,497K: drmserver (pid 1403)

          1,490K: gpuservice (pid 1287)

          1,379K: android.system.suspend-service (pid 584)

          1,364K: android.hardware.drm-service.widevine (pid 1225)

          1,353K: qseecomd (pid 570)

          1,351K: (pid 593)

          1,320K: vendor.nxp.hardware.nfc@2.0-service (pid 1244)

          1,316K: perfservice (pid 1510)

          1,272K: dumpsys (pid 28556)

          1,220K: prng_seeder (pid 534)

          1,210K: credstore (pid 1285)

          1,206K: ip6tables-restore (pid 22887)

          1,173K: android.hardware.thermal@2.0-service.qti (pid 1236)

          1,169K: android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-qti (pid 1221)

          1,149K: android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service-qti (pid 557)

          1,143K: iptables-restore (pid 22886)

          1,124K: sh (pid 28396)

          1,092K: gatekeeperd (pid 1604)

          1,083K: hvdcp_opti (pid 1430)

          1,080K: android.hardware.power-service-qti (pid 1234)

          1,067K: vendor.display.color@1.0-service (pid 1241)

          1,066K: incidentd (pid 1467)

          1,061K: ATFWD-daemon (pid 1591)

          1,034K: sensors.qti (pid 1303)

          1,019K: lmkd (pid 544)

          1,013K: mm-pp-dpps (pid 1338)

          1,012K: qcc-trd (pid 1626)

          1,003K: (pid 1227)

            994K: android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service-qti (pid 587)

            982K: vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.1-service (pid 1245)

            973K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sdm (pid 1632)

            972K: android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (pid 1622)

            971K: vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0-service (pid 558)

            969K: vndservicemanager (pid 547)

            955K: android.hardware.drm-service.clearkey (pid 1224)

            954K: pm-service (pid 1280)

            952K: vendor.qti.hardware.vibrator.service (pid 1266)

            949K: android.hardware.boot@1.0-service (pid 586)

            933K: adsprpcd (pid 1528)

            924K: vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0-service (pid 1257)

            920K: dspservice (pid 1249)

            908K: vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0-service-qti (pid 1259)

            904K: android.hardware.cas@1.2-service (pid 1223)

            903K: android.hardware.usb@1.3-service.basic (pid 1239)

            897K: vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.2-service (pid 1255)

            893K: android.hardware.light@2.0-service.msm8953 (pid 1228)

            884K: vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0-service (pid 1254)

            884K: pm-proxy (pid 1339)

            877K: adpl (pid 1689)

            873K: qti (pid 1680)

            869K: android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (pid 1230)

            868K: vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sysfs (pid 1243)

            864K: time_daemon (pid 1097)

            848K: vendor.qti.hardware.capabilityconfigstore@1.0-service (pid 1246)

            846K: rmt_storage (pid 1290)

            846K: traced (pid 1419)

            844K: (pid 1242)

            838K: traced_probes (pid 1416)

            831K: adb_root (pid 1500)

            814K: android.hardware.cas-service.example (pid 1269)

            812K: wcnss_service_prebuilt (pid 1594)

            807K: android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service (pid 1219)

            804K: tftp_server (pid 1292)

            803K: remosaic_daemon (pid 1602)

            796K: msm_irqbalance (pid 1674)

            795K: port-bridge (pid 1526)

            768K: imsqmidaemon (pid 1518)

            719K: mlid (pid 1584)

            659K: tombstoned (pid 620)

            591K: qrtr-ns (pid 1273)

            504K: ssgqmigd (pid 1579)

    629,011K: Persistent

        234,752K: system (pid 1502)

        194,625K: (pid 3699)

         66,546K: (pid 4036)

         38,845K: (pid 3963)

         32,854K: org.codeaurora.ims (pid 4028)

         14,797K: .qtidataservices (pid 4011)

         12,622K: (pid 5209)

         11,643K: .dataservices (pid 5214)

          7,897K: org.lineageos.audiofx (pid 5223)

          7,577K: (pid 4033)

          6,853K: com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice (pid 4026)

    122,478K: Persistent Service

         52,128K: (pid 5176)

         40,822K: (pid 3996)

         29,528K: (pid 7764) (user 10)

    115,577K: Foreground

        115,577K: (pid 27901 / activities)

    147,602K: Visible

         74,349K: (pid 27938)

         19,264K: (pid 28224)

         18,200K: com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel (pid 27831)

         18,121K: org.lineageos.profiles (pid 27789)

         17,668K: (pid 27790)

    126,501K: Perceptible

        126,501K: com.touchtype.swiftkey (pid 28399)

     10,442K: A Services

         10,442K: .qtidataservices (pid 28523) (user 10)

     33,366K: Cached

         18,021K: (pid 28492)

         15,345K: (pid 28517) (user 10)

Total PSS by category:
    278,175K: Dalvik

    243,152K: Native

    151,448K: EGL mtrack

     75,110K: .apk mmap

     61,750K: .so mmap

     55,594K: Dalvik Other

     48,032K: .jar mmap

     47,098K: .art mmap

     28,636K: .dex mmap

     22,708K: Gfx dev

     16,380K: Unknown

     15,831K: Other mmap

     15,428K: Stack

     12,087K: .oat mmap

      3,308K: Ashmem

        412K: .ttf mmap

        344K: Other dev

          0K: Cursor

          0K: GL mtrack

          0K: Other mtrack

Total RAM: 3,675,636K (status critical)
 Free RAM:   840,546K (   33,366K cached pss +   322,196K cached kernel +   484,984K free)
      GPU:         0K
 Used RAM: 3,119,750K (1,765,310K used pss + 1,354,440K kernel)
 Lost RAM:   253,051K
     ZRAM:   185,472K physical used for   733,140K in swap (1,837,812K total swap)
   Tuning: 192 (large 512), oom   322,560K, restore limit   107,520K (high-end-gfx)