SIM Manager keeps stopping

Hi everyone,

I updated to IodeOS 5.4 today on my Fairphone 5 and since then I get the error message “SIM Manager wurde wiederholt beendet” (SIM manager keeps stopping) every minute. During the writing of this text the error popped up 3 times.
Is there some way to fix this? This is really annoying.

Thanks a lot for the help :slight_smile:

Hello rift5996

take a look at this thread:

Unfortunately this is not really a solution, only a workaround that works not perfectly and forcing us to activate microG. Thats very bad. Also iodesOS cant give us the reason for that problem.

The whole point of microG is to allow apps to work which rely on Google’s libraries, functions and APIs in order to work. It does that by implementing replacement libraries, functions and APIs.

Clearly if you remove or disable microG, then apps - like SIM Manager - which do require those libraries are not going to work. The ‘fault’ is with the apps that rely on these functions not with microG, or with the custom ROMs that include microG (like IodéOS, /e/OS, and LineageOS for microG).

If you want to use these apps, then you need to use either the stock Google APIs, or microG’s replacements.

So there are two solutions to your problem with Sim Manager in IodeOS

  1. Enable microG
  2. Don’t use SIM Manager
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Hi Petefoth,

did you read my comments on the thread about SIM Manager?
There was no problem before with this App in iodeOS. What is strange - read the comments on Google Playstore about this app. There are a lot of same problems with it since years.

And the solution dont using this app: its a system app. And you cant stop or deinstall it. Also, you cant remove the permission to use the camera.

Like I wrote in my comments, I choose iodeOS for privacy reasons.

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SIM Manager will be uninstallable in the next release thanks to iodé preinstalled apps management.
We also planned to study its replacement by the free implementation OpenEUICC.

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on FP4 with (iode-6.0-20250131-FP4-fastboot), I have the same (SIM manager keeps stopping).
Any suggestions?

Now installed (iode-6.0-20250131-FP5-fastboot) on FP5 and after first boot, I want disable MicroG and other app’s I dont need. There is the option to disable SIM Manager.
What is the suggested solution? Can I just disable SIM Manager?

Thank you.

I disabled the Sim Manager and MicroG. I do not use E-sim . No Problems.

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Ok, its only for eSIM.
But if a solution for eSim (without MicroG) is coming, then its welcome to write here. :innocent:

Thank you!