Search apps in aurora

I have to clearify one thing: Murenas App Lounge isn’t a real independent store.

It’s a compination off Aurora Store (their API) and F-Droid.
So they don’t have a real input what apps are hosted or anything else.
I really like the idea off combinig those two app stores. Sadly you cannot add any f-droid repo to App Lounge.
I don’t know why the search function of App Lounge still works but nevertheless it’s not an original appstore with apps maintained by murena. They even stated on their site: Thanks to the Aurora OSS project behind the well known Aurora Store. App Lounge is using their GPlay API library.

One idea would be to incloude App Lounge as an alternative to aurora store in iodé but actually I prefer it the way it is.

never ever please. Do not use any murena services in iodé

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No, I don’t won’t that either! :smiley:

But do your really think that Iodé developers, who have no experience of working with Google play store APIs, would do a better job of creating a new app store than the people working on Aurora Store, who have been working with them for several years? /e/ developers have tried, and their attempts (the original Apps and the new App Lounge, never got close to performing as well as Aurora Store.

I don’t think that Aurora Store is mediocre: I think it does a fantastic job given how hard Google work on making life difficult.

And I flagged your earlier message because I don’t think comments based on race or nationality are appropriate or acceptable in this community forum. Freedom of speech / liberté d’expression are not absolutes :wink:


No, sorry, it’s not necessary. And it’s not possible to realize for that small team off developer.
And please keep on English in international topics


Here’s the latest on the problem with Aurora, from the AuroraOSS gitlab issues list

In particular, this comment:

Hey all,

Bit unfortunate but Aurora Accounts are aggressively block by Google,
which makes sense as we are growing in numbers. Yayy!!

However we have to take down Dispenser (Anonymous Login Provider) in
order safeguard our account.

We’re going to take a step back & figure out smarter way to do

Will bounce back soon!

Thanks :heart:

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There are some news about the blocked Aurora Store Google Accounts:

Hey all!
Just wanted clear the air, Aurora Accounts are not permanently blocked by Google, it is more of a temporary soft ban.
Since we are growing in numbers & the workload on each account has increased, resulting in token rate-limiting.
Persistent limiting caused accounts to be temporarily blocked.
All accounts are now working perfectly fine (2 days cooldown), we are adding more accounts to the account pool to better distribute the load.
Previous Pool Size : 20
Current Pool Size : 50
Target : 100

You are of course free to think whatever racist nonsense you like, about the English or anyone else, But it is not appropriate in m opinion to post that nonsense in this community forum. That is why I flagged your post, which definitely did ‘comporte une insulte ou manque de respect’. And why I will not discuss it further here

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Les remarques dénigrantes envers des nationalités ou des cultures ne sont pas admises dans ce forum.

Denigrating remarks about nationalities or cultures are not allowed in this forum.