Questions and suggestions from a new user

Hello all,

First off, I am new to the world of alternative operating systems for androids. I’ve tried /e/OS and I have just installed iode on a Motorola G52. I have dabbled occasionally with some flashing and cracking of devices and software over the past 20 years, which is the only reason for succeeding with the G52 and which is motivating me to write this post.

I have to say at first glance, I very much enjoy the look and feel of iodeOS so far, it is very impressive. To get it installed however has been in a bit of nightmare. Please take this as I intend it, constructive criticism, followed by some genuine questions.

First I tried to use the the installer on Linux (Zoring OS) for my Motorola G52. This was not working, it simply would not reboot or install anything onto the G52. The installer for Windows on the mainpage only leads to a JSON file, which despite my best efforts I have not figured out how to use. So I ended up using the Flash-all.bat file, running it from a CMD window on windows, because launching it would not work either, followed by a adb sideload of the iode image. I had to get very creative and I only managed because of my very limited experience with /e/OS. I am glad that its there, but the very short and to the point instructions on the “how to part” for Motorola phones wasn’t very useful.

Once again, I am very impressed with how well everything works once it is up and running! I do have a few questions still:
1- Did I miss an obvious way how to use the config,json file: Files · installer · ota / ota · GitLab ? Or has something gone wrong with link or file available?
2- According to the supported devices list I should be able to bootlock the Motorola G52 again, I have tried that via fastboot oem lock, which left the devices unable to boot and reset to “factory” iodeOS. Is there another way I should have done this?

I appreciate your time and efforts, I have a A52 (a52q) 4G version and a S20FE that I am looking to change to iode as soon as it is possible.


I don’t have a moto device but installer is working ok on pixels. Your link above is to a commit: not for use here. Get the installer here, unzip it, go into the folder and double click/run the iodeOS-installer executable file.

Give the installer time to complete its tasks and wait at the end to see if it prompts a bootloader relocking.

Remember locking or unlocking bootloader wipes the device every time.

Thank you for your quick reply and thank you for the link to the installer!

I have now tried it both on windows and Linux but I run into the same issue. In the installer it does not go beyond preparing the device, Bootloader unlocking page I have checked the logs on the G52 and it shows cmd: getvar:unlocked 5 times in a row, followed by: duplicate cmds are muted. (see other picture). That’s the extend of it no matter how long I let it run, any advice on how to get past this?

Wasn’t aware locking the bootloader would automatically wipe it, so that is good to know

OK, so it looks like the installer does not work for you, so forget that.

I’m trying to interpret your first post to see exactly how you did the first iode install.

We’re talking about iode 5.8 right?

Did the fastboot flash-all on windows succeed and the device booted? Did you by any chance make a copy of the output in the terminal window?

And then you sideloaded the from the iode recovery?

The reason I ask is that the and the differ. There is no custom key in the ota as far as I can make out. So the needs to be flashed successfully to enable bootloader locking.

Yes I am also talking about iode 5.8, just to make it clear I barely know what I am doing here so sorry if I do obvious mistakes or did something stupid.

I did not make a copy of the terminal, but since I lost all data with bootlocking and unlocking I went ahead and redid the whole process.

I ran the flash-all.bat in a terminal window, executing the normal way from Windows it closed the terminal within a second leading to no action at all.

Erasing ‘avb_custom_key’ OKAY [ 0.014s]
Finished. Total time: 0.018s
Warning: skip copying avb_custom_key image avb footer (avb_custom_key partition size: 0, avb_custom_key image size: 1032).
Sending ‘avb_custom_key’ (1 KB) OKAY [ 0.001s]
Writing ‘avb_custom_key’ OKAY [ 0.014s]
Finished. Total time: 0.043s
Warning: userdata type is raw, but f2fs was requested for formatting.

F2FS-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver: 1.16.0 (2023-04-11)

Info: Disable heap-based policy
Info: Debug level = 1
Info: Trim is disabled
Info: Set conf for android
Info: Enable Project quota
Info: Segments per section = 1
Info: Sections per zone = 1
Info: sector size = 512
Info: total sectors = 230928344 (112757 MB)
Info: zone aligned segment0 blkaddr: 512
Info: add quota type = 0 => 4
Info: add quota type = 1 => 5
Info: add quota type = 2 => 6
Info: format version with
[f2fs_init_sit_area: 648] Filling sit area at offset 0x00600000
[f2fs_init_nat_area: 682] Filling nat area at offset 0x01200000
[f2fs_add_default_dentry_root:1265] Writing default dentry root, at offset 0x1d800
[f2fs_write_root_inode:1310] Writing root inode (hot node), offset 0x1d200
[f2fs_write_default_quota:1397] Writing quota data, at offset 0001d801 (1/2)
[f2fs_write_default_quota:1397] Writing quota data, at offset 0001d802 (2/2)
[f2fs_write_qf_inode:1448] Writing quota inode (hot node), offset 0x1d201
[f2fs_write_default_quota:1397] Writing quota data, at offset 0001d803 (1/2)
[f2fs_write_default_quota:1397] Writing quota data, at offset 0001d804 (2/2)
[f2fs_write_qf_inode:1448] Writing quota inode (hot node), offset 0x1d202
[f2fs_write_default_quota:1397] Writing quota data, at offset 0001d805 (1/2)
[f2fs_write_default_quota:1397] Writing quota data, at offset 0001d806 (2/2)
[f2fs_write_qf_inode:1448] Writing quota inode (hot node), offset 0x1d203
[f2fs_update_nat_default:1485] Writing nat root, at offset 0x00001200
Info: Overprovision ratio = 0.430%
Info: Overprovision segments = 242 (GC reserved = 239)
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack: 864] Writing main segments, cp at offset 0x00000200
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack: 952] Writing Segment summary for HOT/WARM/COLD_DATA, at offset 0x00000201
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack: 966] Writing Segment summary for HOT_NODE, at offset 0x00000202
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack: 978] Writing Segment summary for WARM_NODE, at offset 0x00000203
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack: 989] Writing Segment summary for COLD_NODE, at offset 0x00000204
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack: 997] Writing cp page2, at offset 0x00000205
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack:1017] Writing NAT bits pages, at offset 0x000003fe
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack:1038] Writing cp page 1 of checkpoint pack 2, at offset 0x00000400
[f2fs_write_check_point_pack:1057] Writing cp page 2 of checkpoint pack 2, at offset 0x00000405
[f2fs_write_super_block:1090] Writing super block, at offset 0x00000000
Info: format successful
Warning: skip copying userdata image avb footer due to sparse image.
Sending ‘userdata’ (97 KB) OKAY [ 0.003s]
Writing ‘userdata’ (bootloader) flash permission denied
FAILED (remote: ‘’)
fastboot: error: Command failed
Sending ‘modem_a’ (184320 KB) OKAY [ 4.249s]
Writing ‘modem_a’ OKAY [ 0.829s]
Finished. Total time: 5.106s

Bootloader Version…: MBM-3.0-rhode_g-8847829342a-240827
Baseband Version…: HA11_15.154.01.89R RHODE_EUAPEMDSDS_CUST
Serial Nmber…: ZY22FLNJN2

extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM…
Checking ‘product’ OKAY [ 0.000s]
Setting current slot to ‘a’ OKAY [ 0.186s]
extracting fastboot-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to disk… took 0.001s
(bootloader) super-partition-name: not found
Writable partitions are not supported
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting boot.img (96 MB) to disk… took 0.272s
archive does not contain ‘boot.sig’
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
Sending ‘boot_a’ (98304 KB) OKAY [ 2.820s]
Writing ‘boot_a’ OKAY [ 1.143s]
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting dtbo.img (24 MB) to disk… took 0.055s
archive does not contain ‘dtbo.sig’
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
Sending ‘dtbo_a’ (24576 KB) OKAY [ 0.701s]
Writing ‘dtbo_a’ OKAY [ 0.094s]
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting vendor_boot.img (96 MB) to disk… took 0.182s
archive does not contain ‘vendor_boot.sig’
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
Sending ‘vendor_boot_a’ (98304 KB) OKAY [ 2.813s]
Writing ‘vendor_boot_a’ OKAY [ 0.464s]
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting vbmeta.img (0 MB) to disk… took 0.001s
archive does not contain ‘vbmeta.sig’
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
Sending ‘vbmeta_a’ (8 KB) OKAY [ 0.040s]
Writing ‘vbmeta_a’ (bootloader) WARNING: vbmeta_a anti rollback downgrade, 21 vs 23
OKAY [ 0.056s]
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
extracting vbmeta_system.img (0 MB) to disk… took 0.001s
archive does not contain ‘vbmeta_system.sig’
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to RAM…
Sending ‘vbmeta_system_a’ (4 KB) OKAY [ 0.047s]
Writing ‘vbmeta_system_a’ (bootloader) WARNING: vbmeta_system_a anti rollback downgrade, 21 vs 23
OKAY [ 0.057s]
Rebooting into fastboot OKAY [ 0.048s]
< waiting for any device >

This booted the device into iode fastboot menu, I can either reboot which shows me the message: Cant load android system and suggest a factory reset (which works as there is a working image file, from my previous install)

Or if I reboot into bootloader terminal, the bat files continues but gives the following message:

fastboot: error: Failed to boot into userspace fastboot; one or more components might be unbootable.
Erasing ‘userdata’ OKAY [ 0.573s]
Finished. Total time: 0.577s
Rebooting into fastboot OKAY [ 0.001s]
< waiting for any device >

The way I proceeded is in the fastboot menu: Apply update-> Apply from ADB → ADB Sideload: C:\Users\User\Downloads>adb sideload C:\Users\User\Downloads\

Once its done flashing at 94% it asks if I want to load additional packages: If I select yes it will allow it to boot into iodeOS on a reboot if no, it will fail. the adb sideload will stop in both cases at 94% and give the following error “adb: failed to read command: No error” and it loops back into the fastboot menu. This is the only way I have been successful, the phone seems to work as it should (as far as I have been able to determine).

P.S. had to change the word nu mber in the log file, otherwise it would not allow me to reply

OK, I think I can see what may be happening but I am confused by some of your wording!

I’m going to assume that when you say- “it closed the terminal within a second…” you mean: it closed the phone or device.

When executing the flashall script the phone screen will go on or off, or display another fastboot screen at different times. This is normal. One has to allow the script to run through to the end where it will say its rebooting, or it may offer a prompt for relocking. I don’t exactly know for the moto.

I know it can be confusing that there are two fastboots! You can research and learn more about it later but essentially there is “fastboot mode” that you put your phone into at the start of flashing and there is “fastbootd” (notice the d on the end) akafastboot or userspace fastboot.

At the end of the long part of your log where it says:
Rebooting into fastboot OKAY [ 0.048s]
< waiting for any device >

As you observe it displays fastbootd screen on the device. Don’t touch it, it needs to continue. If it does not continue after a few moments , there is a problem.

I also notice there is a warning about anti-rollback but I’m not sure if it is a problem.

Essentially you have interrupted an installation process with another installation attempt.

If you try again and it proceeds fully, take another copy of the windows cmd screen or whatever it’s called.

I mean the actual command terminal in windows is instantly closing if I run it the normal way or as admin.

It goes into fastbootD and does nothing except wait for a device

I have tried again, once in fastbootD it does not proceed unless I choose an action on the phone, no matter how long I leave it. I guess I should be happy I made it work and will try again with another device later on. Thank you for your help and insights so far! :slight_smile:

Oof! That is strange! Never heard of that happening. I don’t use windows much and know little about it though.

OK, understood. The flashing starts OK and it’s sticking at that point.

I don’t know why that is happening but the warning just before in your log makes me wonder what could be amiss.

What OS and android version did you have on the device directly before flashing, was it android15 based?

Although once bootloader is unlocked it shouldn’t matter; I thought anti-rollback got reset.

Sorry I can’t help you fix this, maybe someone else will chip in. If you had the appetite to pursue it you could always open a new topic with the title that iodeOS installer is not working for your device. It might help attract the right helpers.

Good luck.

Have you checked that your windows PC is in test mode? If it is you will see it confirmed in the bottom right hand corner of your display.

It was updated to the last version, I believe it was Android 13.

I did not know that was necessary. So I tried it on a freshly installed windows (I installed the USB Motorola drivers, got the necessary software and tried again. I tried both the iode installer and the flash-all.bat file.

When using the installer the log codes have changed slightly as you can see:

I tried the bat file, same thing happens as before, the command prompt just instantly closes. Only when I run the flash-all file from a command window will it run, It still stops at the exact same points and the only way to load the new ROM as I did before via sideload

The reason as to why you have to run it in test mode is because security on windows prohibits the installation of software without a recognised signature even on external devices. If the .bat file fails in similar fashion to the .sh file then it suggests that it must be something to do with the software you are trying to install. I always use the command line with the flash-all method on both linux and windows but IIRC haven’t come across this problem before.

iode 6.0 is now available for rhode. Worth a shot! :slightly_smiling_face:

Good to know for the future!

It is installed but same issues, i will try in the future with another device. I have the feeling its due to the motorola.

Thanks again for your help, info and tips

< waiting for any device >
I had the same problem (with a Samsung device),
Windows had lost the driver after the device rebooted.
Check the device manager …