Problems installing fastboot iodé 5.1 on Fairphone 3+

Hello there,

I’m very new to custom ROMs and unfortunately had a very disappointing experience with trying to install iodé OS 5.1 on my Fairphone 3+.

First of all, on the iodé website it says, that the Fairphone 3 is supported by the installer. When I opened the application (version 2) it told me, that my device is not supported. I also tried the installer v1 which advised me to download the newer installer. So far so sad for me.

After that, I made myself familiar with adb and fastboot. I was very positive in the beginning that the install would go well, but I ran into some problems. I want to make some remarks about the manual install for a total beginner:

  1. From i get to FP3 · master · ota / release · GitLab . I’m not completely sure if these are the right installation files because in the instructions in GitHub - iodeOS/ota it says something about fastboot files under this link: Release iodéOS 4.x for Fairphone 3 · iodeOS/ota · GitHub. There are also another bunch of files under “releases” for iodé 5. I downloaded the iodé 5.1 fastboot zip (Release iodéOS 5.x for Fairphone 3 · iodeOS/ota · GitHub). All these files and instructions are quite confusing for a complete beginner.

My question at this point: do I have to use the v5.1 fastboot installation files or the ones under ota/release v5.3?? Are these also a fastboot installation and how do I do it?

Important details I want to mention here that are not written in the installation instructions:

  1. After installing adb/fastboot (under Windows): check Windows Update → Advanced options → Optional updates for the USB drivers for the bootloader and something like
  2. After reboot (after unlocking the bootloader) enable USB debugging again and return to fastboot mode (adb reboot bootloader). THEN start the install script (at least that’s how I did it).

After two times trying to install with “./fastboot file.bat” my phone was stuck in fastboot mode and the current-slot: INVALID (after some trying with fastboot getvar current-slot and fastboot --set-active=a or b). I was able to go back to either of these slots but I was still stuck in fastboot mode.

Also, I had no chance to get into recovery mode using all options I could find e.g. to press the buttons or from the fastboot menu.

In the end, I installed Fairphone OS, but I’m quite said I can’t have iodé OS on my phone yet. So far I was really amazed by this OS and it seemed the best option for me besides /e/ OS. I would really like if somebody could give me advise on how to try a different approach.

I have iodé running on two Fairphone3 successfully for more than a year now, so be assured, it works. Unfortunately I cannot remember which steps I exactly took to get it installed, but I do remember, the documentation is a bit confusing and unclear in places.

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Hi melo,

at first: I think it does not really matter which version of you install. After starting the new installed iodeos you’ll get ota-updates to the latest version.

Sometime it helps to return to stock ROM, when inhalation of custom ROM fails…
After reinstalling stock ROM you might try install custom ROM again. I did and the second try was successfully…

Did you use the adb and fastboot recommended by fairphone? In the past I used an very old version of minimal adb and fastboot and installation failed. I was not able to go to recovery or install iodeos.

Hope this helps and you will be able to enjoy iodeos in future…

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