Mi 10 Lite (monet) update error

I’m trying to update iode to a new version via the built in Updater app but it shows install error before trying to reboot to recovery.

I had the same issue with the previous ROM version so I did a fresh install but this time, I do not want to reconfigure everything. Any ideas?

i did the update today without issues
something must be wrong with your system. especially since the last time it was like that for you

Yeah, and it’s weird because I reflashed the OS using the official instructions and can’t update this time either. The bootloader is still unlocked, I’m using the official stock LineageOS/iode recovery which I can access manually, etc., so everything seems to be in order. I haven’t adjusted any under the hood settings, developer options, etc., just installed my apps via Aurora/F-Droid and personalised generic system settings.

Could it be encryption related? I tried manually flashing the latest iode zip through adb when in recovery but I get errors from my phone and terminal stating that numerous partitions/folders could not be mounted. The phone is displayed in adb or fastboot device list though.

Any ideas?

You can try to format cache in recovery before trying again to update.

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Thanks, it worked!

Thanks for this idea, thanks to the community, thanks @vince31fr ! This worked for me too.

Although this solution worked for me a couple of times , this time didn’t.
I have a mi10 lite and the update is “iodeOS B - 4.20”