Looking for Some Advice on Best OS for New Laptop!

Hi everyone,

I am setting up a new laptop and trying to decide which operating system to go with. I’ve heard good things about both Linux and Windows, but I am unsure which one would be better for my needs. I mainly use my laptop for programming, browsing…, and occasional media consumption.

Can anyone share their experiences or recommendations: ?? Are there specific features or benefits of one OS over the other that would make it more suitable for my use case: ?? I read this thread: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-operating-system-for-a-laptop-Is-it-worth-buying-a-laptop-that-uses-an-alternative-operating-system-such-as-Linux-Msbi It has a lot of useful information but now I’m looking for more advice and suggestions.

Thanks in advance for your help… :slightly_smiling_face:

With Regards,


Hi marcossandreww,

I’ve similarly been experimenting with different operating systems lately and happened to brush up on your posting, so let’s reply.

The vast majority of operating systems will fulfill your basic needs, perhaps your needs could be a bit more specific?

If you play the occasional game, or need additional media processing (e.g. editing videos): Windows for sure.

  • There are one-click projects on github to remove redundant win-apps to make your Windows lighter.

If you need something lighter, more privacy-protective, more energy-efficient: look for a Linux distro with corresponding features, such as:

  • Beautiful, well community-supported, user-friendly: Manjaro or Ubuntu.
  • Desperate for privacy: try Qubes OS or Tails.
  • Need extra networking capabilities? Kali, Arch or something.
  • just want a simple system? Linux Mint.

Perhaps what you need most right now is a VMware virtual machine to try out whichever system is more in tune with your operating habits. BTW, installing multiple systems on a physical machine is a good option, if you like.

(I’m not a native English speaker, the above was translated by DeepL)

heard good things about … Windows? Could you name a source, please?
Seriously: Unless you have an urgent need for Windows (such as programming for it - poor boy :wink:), use Linux as your daily driver.
If you want to use W occasionally you could do that by means of Dual-Boot or a Virtual Machine (provided your HW is powerful enough in terms of CPU cores and RAM).
What L distro to choose? Mint or LMDE. As DE I personally prefer Mate or Cinnamon. But that depends on your taste. There are lots of others (LXDE, XFCE, Gnome, KDE, …). You can try and even change DE on the fly at your will.
One caveat: On very very new HW Linux may be picky. BTDT. Best you buy a decent refurbished machine or something >1 year old.

Linux Mint is great. All the apps you need are available either pre-installed or via the Software manager. Very helpful & friendly user forums if you need help & advice

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Seems a bit strange if you’re a programmer to ask for guidance in choosing an OS, but I guess it could be useful to hear other’s opinions.
My advice for you is to try Zorin OS. It’s an Ubuntu based Linux that has a very similar interface to Window; you can change the desktop layout to mimic Windows, MacOS or Linux.
You can check their website: Zorin OS - Make your computer better.
I have a lot of laptops and when dealing with custom ROMs I use a laptop with Zorin. I only use Windows on my laptop from work (and only because I don’t have a choice… I wouldn’t use Windows).
Good luck!