iodéOS = LineageOS + MicroG + Firewall

Hey all,

Just to let you know we’ve published a first version of the technical details of iodéOS here:

Feel free to make suggestions.




I haven’t read everything but it looks complete for a draft.

Now, a small remark.
Why not to have written it under GitHub via a static site generator that would allow to make modifications but also translations more easily.



Je n’ai pas tout lu mais ca a l’aire complet pour un brouillon.

Maintenant, une petite remarque.
Pourquoi ne pas l’avoir rédigé sous GitHub via un générateur de site statique cela permettrait de pouvoir apporter des modifications mais aussi des traductions plus simplement.

For me, it looks complete and consistent.
All the important features and technologies that affect iodé and make up part of it as a unique selling point have been mentioned and explained.
Also how the de-googling of the system was carried out.

Short private question: That’s a LaTeX document, isn’t it?

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