Is it save to installiert iodé 3 OTA for a
- iode 2.4 (04-07-2022)
- with locked bootloader
- (the avb key was flashed along 2.4)
The changelog on the github release is a little frightning
Is it save to installiert iodé 3 OTA for a
The changelog on the github release is a little frightning
No problem. I did it that way. Just sideload the zip in recovery without wiping the data.
No problems at all. Everything’s running fine.
Just two things if you update to 3.0 that way:
You have to clear cache and data in bluetooth app after first start in 3.0. Otherwise if will crash permanently.
Settings/apps/ - show system apps - bluetooth apps
Enable developer settings
Enable “deactivate bluetooth a2dp hardware offload”
Otherwise bluetooth audio is not clear
And using the updater is not recommendet?
Why are such informations not documented in the changelog?
You can also use the updater
Maybe you still have to do the two steps. Happen only on updating from 2.4 to 3.0.
Not if installing from scratch
Using the updater worked flawless. But i also needet to clear the cache oft the Bluetooth service
At the weekend I updated my FP4 from iodeOS V2.5 to V3 Over the Air (OTA) with no issues. All my data was intact, only the bluetooth cache needed to be cleared to enable bluetooth. The only extra work was ensuring I backed up my SD Card as Android 12 insists on reformatting my SD Card before I can use it. (I have reposted this on the Fairphone forum too)
Nice work iode team, thank you
A quick update on the iodéOS updater:
Updated Over the Air (OTA) from V3.0 to V3.1. No data loss, no issues seen so far, smooth update. Used WiFi to download. Biggest imeadiate improvement, which may be a placebo, was the perceived improvement of the quality of the pictures using the Open Camera app.
Is iodéOS 3.0 still in beta? On XDA the last entry is from 02/05/2022 with iodéOS 2.4:
I would say official source is Github and thats up-to date
Thanks for the explanation! That’s great that iodéOS 3.0 (A12) is already officially released.
@vince31fr will the XDA page still be updated? There you can always see very clearly what is new in the update.
- Upgrade to Android 12 / LineageOS 19.1
- Setup Wizard: new page to configure push notifications through microG
- Lockscreen settings: switch added to disable fingerprint unlock when screen is off
- Improved German translations
- Bug fixes and improvements
- LineageOS synced with May security patch included
- All apps updated
A post was merged into an existing topic: iodéOS + root
What is the matrix channel?
Oh, thank you)
Hi everyone,
Please share your impressions about how long does the battery of Fairphone 4 last?
My FP4 with Iode is an incredibly great tandem, the system works very well with all apps and settings, very smooth. I’m happy so far
8 or even 8,5 hours SoT with mobile internet on is easy.
Is It possible to use the fair phone camera app on Iode? So do you get the same picture quality as with the original ROM?