… lost wifi network connection …
Then Iode should stop the rollout for this device …
Das XA2 sucht eine Verbindung, ruft eine IP Adresse ab und meldet dann gespeichert mit einem Schlosssymbol auf der rechten Seite statt verbunden…
Ich habe das Schutzniveau für den Browser auf 0 gesetzt, hilft aber nichts. Eine Verbindung zum Router findet nicht statt.
There is indeed an issue with the v6 XA2 upgrade, which has been discarded. Wifi works on our test device, but there are issues with phone and mobile data. We are sorry for the inconvenience and investigate the issues.
En lisant les différents messages, je constate que je ne suis pas la seul à avoir perdu le wifi en passant en V6.0
J’ajoute la lenteur du menu paramètre et le crash si on souhaite toucher les paramètres wifi.
Nous patientons tous, merci pour votre travail.
Bonne journée.
Je suis sur XA2.
Autre bug je ne peux plus ouvrir les photos ou copie d’écran que je reçois par mms. Je vois la miniature mais si je veux agrandir = écran noir et retour au mms.
et oui… j’utilise encore les sms et mms.
Nach dem voll laden und kompletten entladen, läd das FP5 wieder mit 5000mA
Mobile Data and phone are not theProblems, WLAN ist it.
Encountering same issue. Android Auto worked fine with A14. Would be great if someone dives into the problem.
Besides this little issue, everything else seems to be working fine.
Thanks a lot!
Sony Xperia XA2 Users:
You can set a static IP-Address in phone’s wifi configuration.
The phone will then establish a wifi connection with the router.
On my Pixel 8 pro, I couldn’t set up a screen lock or access settings>system [force closes]
I cannot find the setting option. Where can I set a static IP address?
These entries do not appear for me, as no connection is established. The IP address is provided by the router.
hi Bellini
then press the pen at the top right… in the next window… advanced options… you can then make the settings there.
but that can’t be the solution to the problem… since it only applies to one router… if I want to use it on another router… I have to change everything again.
Android Auto ne fonctionne plus.
Depuis la dernière mise à jour du 31 janvier, Android auto ne fonctionne plus sur mon Pixel 8.
" Erreur de communication 22"
Avez vous une idée?
Les applis Google sont à jour depuis Aurora.
De plus beaucoup de notifications ne fonctionne pas ou aléatoirement (Appli Reolink, Home assistant)
Merci pour votre aide
Seb 60
Android Auto no longer works.
Since the last update on January 31st, Android auto no longer works on my Pixel 8.
Have you got an idea?
Many notifications do not work or randomly (Reolink App, Home assistant)
Thank you for your help
I can only install an upgrade version of iode-5.8-20241214-arm64_ab.img. on my device (Unihertz Titan). Is there already a download iode-6.0-20250131-arm64_ab.img.xz? I am delighted with the OS and would very much like to use it for a while yet.
Newest GSI
What’s next for Iodé 6 and Xperia XA2 or will it end like DivestOS?
Iode 7
can always happen, no matter which OS
Unlikely IMHO. DivestOS was pretty much a one-person show: that person decides to call it a day and takes down the website, so the project is dead.
Iodé is a commercial organisation, with a couple of income streams, and enough belief in its future to be hiring more employees. No guarantees that they will succeed, but they won’t close down just because one person decides to step away.
Indeed, but much less likely to happen when it’s more than a ‘one-man band’.