iode5/A14 planned device support list

Hi community!

Is there a list of devices that are planned to run Iode5? I am still eagerly waiting for Samsung’s S10 Series to be supported.

It’s not a LOS Issue anymore, because theres an official build for it by now. You can find the microg files here:

If it won’t be supported by Iodé, I think about switching to LOS+microG

Regards and thanks for your awesome work so far!

I’m still a proud Iodé premium supporter :slight_smile:

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is already available as an iode beta version.


This has been mentioned in the Beta Testers Telegram group.

" iodéOS 5 is available for s10 series
But: it requires a factory reset so is not supported as OTA. We will communicate later…"


Thanks for your replies!

That’s good news but I gonna wait for a stable release. Do you think that it’s possible to have it as an OTA or is a factory reset mandatory? Would be a huge drawback I guess…

But good to hear that S10 Series won’t be left behind :innocent:

Looks like factory reset is mandatory. There was another confirmatiin of this in telegram group today when someone asked if upgrade to v5 possible or does it need full reinstall:

“Full reinstall. Partitions management have been changed in lineage, so this is unavoidable”

Hi all,

it requires a factory reset so is not supported as OTA. We will communicate later…"

Will there be an official announcement once it is “officially” available? Is v5 for Samsung S10x still beta or is it already considered stable?

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