Iodé vs GrapheneOS

I’m trying to decide on my next phone and OS. I considered CalyxOS but decided against as I’ve read many people say it’s a little clunky and unintuitive. I also considered /e/, but have settled on Iodé. The only other option I am considering is GrapheneOS on a Pixel 6a, however to me it seems a little scary and the community seems a little toxic.
Is there any reason for someone like me to choose GrapheneOS over Iodé? I don’t think I need crazy levels of security, my main priority is privacy.
Help me decide! :slight_smile:

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Such discussions ends in nothing
So dont let discuss about grapheneOS versus iodeOS here, please
Search about the features and make your own dicission

Why am I not allowed to discuss it?


You are allowed, i cannot and dont want to forbid it, but mostly such discussions ends in hate speech…
If it will be a technical discussion and comparison, lets do it

:england: :us: :uk:

Personally I find this discussion can be interesting and not forced to end with hate.

The IodeOS community as a whole is benevolent.

I have never tested GrapheneOS nor Google pixel, but I like to know the opinions of people who have tested solutions similar to IodeOS, because even if it remains very subjective, it allows to bring up small inconveniences of users that are not necessarily mentioned.

For example, with some private roms, you can’t use the password manager, because it doesn’t recognize the sites or applications launched.

Not all the ba’cary applications work because some roms are considered as root.

Knowing if preinstalled applications can be uninstalled is also a difficult thing to know without installing the roms.

The use of the camera is also a point that is not highlighted (all sensors are rarely taken into account and a lower resolution is possible) for a person discovering the different privacy roms.

And there are many more examples, especially for those who discover the world of privacy-friendly Roma.

So I find this topic interesting as long as it remains constructive.


personnellement je trouve que cette discussion peut etre intéressante et non forcé de se terminé par de la haine.

La communauté IodeOS est bienveillante dans son ensemble.

Je n’ai jamais testé GrapheneOS n’ahang oas de Google pixel, mais j’aime connaitre les avis de ceix qui ont testé des solutions similaire a IodeOS, car meme si cela reste tres subjectif, cela permet de remonter des petits désagréments d’utilisateurs qui ne sont pas forcément mentionnés.

Par exemple, avec certaine roms privée, vous ne pouvez pas utiliserlde gestionnaire de mot de passe, car il ne reconnait pas les sites ou applications lancées.

Les applicatilns ba’caire ne marche pas toutes car certaines roms sont considérées comme root.

Savoir si les applications préinstallées peuve’t etre désinstallées est aussi une chose difficile a savoir sans installer la roms.

L’utilisation de l’appareil photo est aussi un point qui n’est pas mis en avant (tous les capteurs sont rarement pris en compte et une résolution moindre est possible ) pour une personne découvrant les differentes roms respectant la vie privée.

Et il y a encore plein d’autres exemples, surtout pour ceux qui decouvrent le monde des roms respectueuses de la vie privée.

Donc je trouve ce sujet intéressant a partir du moment ou il reste constructif.

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This is actually part of the reason I’m considering Iodé over Graphene - the latter seems to have a very intense, toxic community, which I’m not interested in being part of. What has your experience of IodéOS been like compared to regular OS’s? Has the camera quality been a major issue?

I wanted to suggest that you also ask your question in the GOS community and wait and see whether there would have been an accommodating and friendly answer :wink:

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First and main question
which phone are you speculating with?


having tested several roms (xiaomi eu, several derivatives of lineageOS, crDrois, Havoc, /e/ and probably others that I forget) it’s been more than a year now that I’m under IodeOS while I was changing all the time from Roms.

What I like about IodeOS is the possibility to use my banking applications and not having any pre-installed application that I don’t use.

There is also the tracking of Roma etc. that I like here.

For photos I have the advantage of having an old phone so not too bothered with the latest camera optimizations even if the mi 9 is equipped with more than 8mp, I did not ask myself the question because I use the camera little.

the change of photo app by open camera must allow to find optimizations but I did not deepen the subject so I leave the place to the experts.


pour avoir testé plusieurs roms (xiaomi eu, plusieurs dérivée de lineageOS, crDrois, Havoc, /e/ et surement d’autre que j’oublie) cela fait maintenant plus d’un an que je suis sous IodeOS alors que je changais tout le temps de Roms.

Ce qui me plait chez IodeOS c’est la. possibilité d’utiliser mes applications bancaires et surtour de ne pas avoir d’application pré installé que je n’utilise pas.

Il y a aussi le suivie des roms etc qui me plait ici.

Pour les photosj’ai l’avantage d’avoir un vieux téléphone donc pas trop embêté avec les derniere optimisations d’appareil photo meme si le mi 9 est doté de plus de 8mp, je ne me suis pas posé la queqtion car j’utilise peu l’appareil photo.

le changement d’app photo par open caméra doit permettre de retrouver des optimisations mais je n’ak pas approfondie le sujet donc be laisse la place aux expert.

Personally I’m interested having more general discussion about Iode os.

User reviews in day to day usage, how everything works under the hood, benefits using Iode vs other Android roms/versions, benefits for privacy, pros and cons etc.

Currently there isn’t too much info about the product to be honest. I think better documentation and providing a user manual (at least for users who buy a phone) for iode tools like blocker would be a good addition when things get more mature.

This is not a critic, just an observation :slightly_smiling_face:


Pretty good. Been using Iode (S10e) about one year. Aurora Store has had a problem to log in a couple of times, but it has been always solved with an update.

Speaker is muddy for the receiver during phone calls if I use speaker, so I have to use earphones if i don’t want to keep phone on my ear.

Those are my cons.

Opencamera is pretty good when there is light. Decent in low light. I have also gcam installed, which gives nice low light pics. So no problems with camera quality here.

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Hi, hatte vor kurzem, zum Ausprobieren, auch eine gcam installiert. Leider ist die App immer gleich abgestürzt. Welche Version, bzw. von wo hast Du die App genommen?

Hi, had recently, to try out, also installed a gcam. Unfortunately, the app always crashed right away. Which version, or from where did you take the app?

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Hi Sandy!

I use this version, zgcam 7.4. You should find it using search. My S10e is exynos variant.

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How about the iodéOS documentation 0.1 from 22.04.2022? It would be nice if it would be updated sometime soon. In the meantime, a lot has happened with the blocker. I would also like to see it translated into other languages. E.g. German.

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Ist bei dir microG aktiviert? Wenn nicht brauchst du die App “Gcam Services Provider”.

Hier ist noch eine allgemeine Anleitung. Nur mal so. Vielleicht ist die hilfreich für dich.

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Ja, bei mir ist microG installiert. Die Infoseite ist aber gut. Installiert habe ich die App schon und ein paar Standard-Fotos gemacht. Scheint echt gut zu sein.

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I use a Fairphone, that puts you on the GrapheneOS hit list. That said I am unconvinced by the real Google Play Services sandboxed. I prefer microg.

If you have a very risky threat model, I guess GrapheneOS could be more appealing. I don’t like their community. I prefer iodé or CalyxOS which have a very usable product, and I believe very private.


again to the gcam port: i use the following version :BSG: MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b ( the ruler apk)
works perfectly in all ways.should you not want to use microg does it also the gcam provider app from fdroid.

How much of an issue is the fact that you cannot relock the bootloader in Iodé? I don’t know the significance of that as I’m not that tech savvy but I’ve heard it mentioned.

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I wrote that in matrix channel to this topic:

<> If not … What is the risc to walk around with a not locked bootloader?

This is not privacy, in that case its security
With a open bootloader a hacker can get access to your device and can put malicious code on it, like a manipulated kernel, another recovery, etc…
But he needs physical access to your device.

So, in my and in lot of other, opinion, it is not that risky.

  1. Your device must be unattended
  2. In that time a hacker must be present
  3. He must be willing to attack your device

For me the focus should be more on privacy instead of that rather unrealistic security scenario