November 16, 2024, 10:30am
When localization is on ie in map app then tracking the network shows this request:
GET /maps/api/elevation/xml?locations=HEREAREMYCOORDINATES&sensor=false HTTP/1.0
Host: maps.googleapis.com
Which is http, not even https…
Answer from server is HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden, but still my coordinates were sent unencrypted to google servers. I mean… Wtf? Am I reading it right?
U have that too?
I haven’t looked into that, but are you referring to a request by the Google Maps app specifically or by iodeOS on the system level?
the second would be a big deal, the first also, but the solution would simply be to not use Google Maps
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November 19, 2024, 2:59pm
Im not using anything from google. Its on system level request, when I’m using ie organic maps and noticed even if I dont use the map - had connection at night.