Searched the forum and the web but could not find an answer. I’m looking to run IodeOS on a Google phone, but would like to have Magisk and re-lock the bootloader.
Is this possible?
Searched the forum and the web but could not find an answer. I’m looking to run IodeOS on a Google phone, but would like to have Magisk and re-lock the bootloader.
Is this possible?
On every Phone, you can’t have magisk install and working(rooted phone) and locked bootloader.
It may cause a bootloader loop.
Do we have to recompile iode a certain way to make it work? I don’t mind learning how to do it.
You have to pach the Iode boot image with magisk, put it on your phone with fastboot and let le bootloader unlock. Then, you phone will be rooted…but unlock.
I have a Fairphone 3 with Iodé, and I don’t need root anymore. The only problem is that I can’t backup app data only with the phone. I need a PC our cloud access with seedvault.
Root was great for add removing( but IodeOS does it) , file management and backing up entire phone.
Je sais comment root un telephone. Je veux simplement avoir root et relock le bootloader.
Faut-il que je compile iode moi meme avec magisk integré pour pouvoir le faire?
I see a question mark in your reply. So I think you wanna know something…
It would be better to write in English on a international and not “France” tagged thread, if you expect to get an answer.
Sorry about that!
What I asked was if I had to recompile iodeOS myself with Magisk integrated if I wanted to be able to lock the bootloader?