Iodé bricked my Pixel 5?

Long story short, I had LineageOS on my phone and decided to try Iodé. I’m not a very tech person, just curious I’d say.
I was surprised I could use the installer instead of command line, so I did. I followed the procedure and in the end locked the bootloader as it was proposed.
But it turned out that the phone just won’t turn on, choosing any option in fastboot menu brings me to the screen that says ”operating system not found”.
I’m not sure how to proceed now, I’ve read that someone in the similar situation did unlock Pixel 3 bootloader from their PC, but there were no precisions on how they did it.
I would appreciate any advice, preferably in baby language. Thanks!

Worst case you can go back to stock with android flag tool
And begin then from beginning

Thanks for the link.
The tool sees my device but is stuck searching builds for about 10 minutes already, idk if it’s normal.

Ok, so for whatever reason opening another tab with flasher worked right away.
Now I have a fresh factory build installed, might try flashing Iode once again or go back to LOS, haven’t decided yet. Thanks a lot!

LineageOS does not have an “easy installer”. So you have to install it manually. Why don’t you also install iodéOS 5.4 manually ~ using the same procedure as LOS?

Another iodéOS alternative is via iodéOS fastboot package

For me, the fastboot method is the easiest and fastest.
provided that Linux/Windows is set up correctly and the USB cable is in order.
but that is the same for all methods

Installed iodéOS 5.4 for my Pixel 4 (flame) by iodéOS fastboot method without any problems including relocked bootloader. LineageOS and /e/OS users can only dream of this.