Iode blocker problems

Since the new update im unhappy with the iode blocker.
First i had to reset it so that it works again and not just ignores all the connections and doesnt display apps that are connected to the web. And now the default blocking doesnt work.


I need it to work as whitelisting mode so that apps just cannot connect

What update do you mean? What device?
Please send iode version string from settings/about phone, like:


Let me update my monet snd see what happens…

Ok, im on the same version now.
Everything works as expected.
Did a reset of the app. But again, all works…
Cannot reproduce your issues

the app is just the gui of the deep system blocker
in your case, there must be broken in the system

there was already something to do with another user.
similar symptoms
I can’t remember where and when that was exactly.

I’m sure @vince31fr can say more about that

A similar situation occurred some while ago indeed, and has been fixed thanks to a user who tested several beta versions until a solution was found. This may be a different problem here, I cannot tell anything without data.

You have two possible solutions :

  • you factory reset your phone
  • or, you open an issue here in private mode, and you help me trak the issue by installing a series of beta updates that I’ll provide you, and each time in return you send me logs (the reason for keeping that private).

only if you have saved your settings before😉
You can do this in the blocker app under Settings…custom blocking…three dots at the top right…backup and restore.
hope this helps for next time😉