Iodé 5 - MagicEarth

I have to ask again.
Does anyone use MagicEarth with voice guidance under iodé 5? The app has remained silent on my XA2 since iodé 5.

iode 5 on the FP4 - MagicEarth works fine.

Probably a problem with text-to-speech? Take a look at the Magic Earth settings > General > Sound > Voice Language, and select/download one of the “human” voices.
Fixed it for me the other day (on FP4).

Well, unfortunately it doesn’t help. With iodé 4.10 (Android 13) and MagicEarth I was able to get voice guidance. With the update to iodé 5.0 (Android 14) the drama began. After rebooting, my MagicEarth was deleted. Then I activated MagicEarth and Aurora in the pre-installed apps and restarted. I made all the settings in MagicEarth and there was no more voice guidance. Re-flashed the XA2 and there was no improvement, the new MagicEarth version remained silent. The old version disappeared after every installation.

Then I installed the latest Lineage version on a second XA2, also no more voice guidance with the latest MagicEarth. But at least the old MagicEarth version could be installed and oh wonder the voice guidance was there again.

Now I have to decide between the latest Lineage and the old MagicEarth version with voice guidance or the older iodé version and the old MagicEarth version with voice guidance.

Magic Earth voice output works fine on a Sony XZ2 Akari with iode 5
M E Version