Hi! as the title says i am having problems Installing Iode OS on my Samsung A5(2017)
So some extra info regarding what i did:
Firstly i allowed USB Debugging, and OEM.
Then i rooted my phone through Odin/Magysk and after that i installed TWRP Recovery.
After that i went to recovery mode where i Factory Reset/Wipe/ and went to advanced>>adb sideload and applied a command adb sideload and it failed to install a iodeOS saying : invalid Zip File Format
I would also like to mention that i am fairly new regarding these things…
So if i am missing something, please let me know.
Update : I even tried to install Lineage OS and it says the same thing…
The Zip file is the problem?
ADB sideloading is just one way to add the file to your microSD card. Another way is to simply copy the file from your computer to the microSD card by exposing the phone’s file system on your computer (via USB connection), or by using a USB drive to move the file from device to device.
That said, I don’t know what’s going on with your zip file error, and I definitely don’t know anything about rooted devices, so you should probably investigate that before proceeding.
Thank you for your reply. But the trouble is flashing/Installing Iode OS on phone, because when i try to do it, i get a message that says that the zip file, where the iode OS is located is invalid.
Regarding microSD i currently don’t have one.
I even tried to put regular lineage OS and the same thing happened.
SIdeloader failed due to ‘‘Invalid ZIp File Format’’…
Samsung A5 (2017)
Zip that comes when you download Iode OS for A5. (regular zip)
Well i am new to these things and new to Linux so i did what i was familiar with.
I used to do these things 4/5 years ago with Twrp and Magysk.
Magysk and Odin was a easy/ familiar way for me to root my phone.
As far as i know i need to root it in order to install recovery…
Maybe i am wrong, i don’t know.
Original recovery? What do you mean by this. i don’t understand , i am sorry.
Could you please explain what do you mean by ‘‘original recovery’’?
I did follow instructions here : ota / ota · GitLab
but used odin instead of heimdall, and twrp as recovery.
I did as you said.
i flashed recovery, but for some reason there appeared another problem.
That problem is that adb does not recognize my device when i boot into recovery.
adb devices works but stops when i boot to recovery, it does not show my phone.
So i will try my best to figure it out, if i can.
EDIT I managed to install it. Thank you for the help.