Thanks for 2022 and Happy New Year 2023!
I wish the iodé-Team a healthy and successful 2023.
If I may make a New Year’s wish: an iodéOS 3.x GSI arm64_bfN
(f): With built-in MicroG and FLOSS replacements of GAPPS
Naming rules
| | | | |
| | | | vndklite: For VNDKLite devices,
| | | | or for read-writeable /system on regular devices
| | | | secure: Superuser removed and system props spoofed,
| | | | for better chances of passing SafetyNet
| | | | personal: With personal mods, for reference
| | | |
| | | N: No Superuser
| | | S: *Built* with PHH Superuser (app needed)
| | | (Z): *Built* with eremitein's Dynamic Superuser (not offered here)
| | |
| | v: Vanilla, i.e. no GAPPS
| | g: With regular GAPPS
| | o: With Android Go GAPPS
| | (f): With built-in MicroG and FLOSS replacements of GAPPS
| |
| a: "A-only", i.e. system-as-system (deprecated since Android 12)
| b: "AB", i.e. system-as-root
arm: ARM 32-bit (deprecated since Android 12)
a64: ARM 32-bit with 64-bit binder
arm64: ARM 64-bit
Naming rules source by @AndyYan
iodé Generic System Image (GSI)
(f): With built-in MicroG and FLOSS replacements of GAPPS
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Even though it’s mid-February and I’m new here, I’d like to wish you a happy new year in 2024.
Happy New Year 2025 and a great day to you all!