[FP5] Always-On Display issue (pixels not black) fixed in iodéOS?

Fairphone finally fixed the issue that pixels are not 100% black on the Fairphone 5 (which has a AMOLED Displey) → when AlwaysOn Display is used and the display should be black except what should be shown. Details in this thread: FP5 doesnt seem to turn OLED pixels off when displaying a black image/video - #120 by michele.g - Fairphone 5 - Fairphone Community Forum

This solves an issue, which led to a very high battery drain when using AOD.

So the quesiton is, is this problem fixed (or will it be fixed) in iodéOS so that is save to use AOD with iodéOS on the FP5 (like showing the clock and notification infos on lockscreen)

Very interesting find!! Well I guess eventually LineageOS will merge the latest blobs from the last FPOS upgrade and when they do it will eventually end up in Iode.

Personally, I’m no convinced it will fix AOD. When I tried to use AOD it was giving a lot of CPU time and was smashing battery even with the phone turned over (screen off).

Really hope that it does fix it though!!

Looks like its in LineageOS now, so hopefully next Iode will have it.