When using a usb stick on the phone iodeOS actually accept stick with the filesystem FAT32.
This is an problem because this filesystem has an limitation of filesize to smaller than 4 GB.
Is there an option to use other filesystems? For example exFAT or something like this?
I have just tried it. If I use the subsequently installed Fossify file manager, it does not work with exFAT or Ntfs.
But if I use the original app “Dateien” from Iodé, I can use exFAT or Ntfs.
This is realy strange, because when i format an usb stick with exFAT (Standard Blocksize), then iodeOS bring an message, that there is a problem with the usb stick und i have to format to solve …
What Version of iodeOS do you use?
Is this maybay an configuration option in in the system done by iode team?
When i format with iodeOS, then iodeOS uses FAT32.
When i format on PC, i used Windows 10. I can try using Linux, but i do not think that this would help something.
I am using iodeOS 4.20.
Mayby this cause the problem. But i think as using we can not change anything on the relevant settings. This have to be done by the distributors. Is one of the distributors reading here and can tell something to the configuration options in this level?
I did some experiments with the format settings.
Ist is irrelevant which settings for the blocksize i take, i can not access to the stick when to format is exFAT.
So when it works for you, than it must be an iodeOS 4.xx problem und should be solved, when the Xiaomi gets an update to iodeOS 6.x.
Bonjour, mon Samsung A52s reconnaissait les disques SSD par OTG aux formats NTFS et ExFat sous iodé 5.8 mais ne les accepte plus avec la version 6.0. Je n’ai pas encore essayé avec le format Fat32.
Hello, my Samsung A52s recognized SSD drives by OTG in NTFS and ExFat formats under iodé 5.8 but no longer accepts them with version 6.0. I haven’t tried with the Fat32 format yet. (automatically translated from french with Google Translate)
So I just took my same flash and formatted it with iode 6, on my FP4. It formatted as exFAT, and I was able to copy a .jpg to it. I then was able to mount in my linux box and open the image.
With that said, iode’s file manager is BROKEN. It cannot actually open any picture on my phone’s storage, sdcard, and USB flash disk… for me anyway. It’s as if it’s a sharesheet issue… I’ve asked about it, but nobody else has mentioned it. So I guess nobody but myself does that. lol
I believe the maintainers do read the forums, and sometimes respond… at least those responders sounded like maintainers.
My feeling is that iode is still smaller, so I’m sure there has to be balance between writing code and answering message threads, The confusing part for me is that there are several questions about where to log issues, and most go unreplied to.
For example, this forum has a tag for Bugs under Operation System, yet I cannot seem to post there. Then there is the gitlab, but most of those seem like beta responces. So while I have a handful of things I have experienced on my FP4 with iode 6, I’ve been hesitant to post them.