(Editable list) Apps compatible with iodéOS

WhatsApp (installed from the Aurora Store) is working fine for me, but to get the login verification SMS / call to work I first had to give a LOT of permissions to WhatsApp (SMS, phone, etc). The warning about the custom ROM still exists, but in functionality it did not restrict the login and usage.

There is a bit more discussion on it in this thread.

Editable List: Things change.
A column with the last modified date and Iode Version might be helpful.

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Did anyone try out yet whether Google Sheets (table editor) still works under Iodé OS 6.0? It first ran with “Iodé OS 5.8 20241213” which I documented above, it did not work with e.g. Iodé OS 5.7 before.

Note: Although I like the de-googled Iodé OS very much, the “Google Sheets” app is very useful for me to share with friends e.g. a timetable which will be updated from time to time.
Or can someone recommend a comparable open source app and sharing service?

There is a producr called (Collabora Online)[https://www.collaboraonline.com/] whihc dscribes itself as

a powerful online document editing suite available for self-hosting or via trusted partners.

Many NextCould providers integrate it in their app offerings, so you can create and edit documents - including LibreOffice format spreadsheets - online, and share links to them.

I have free-tier accounts with

There is Android app available in F-Droid which allows viewing and basic editing. You can create a new file and save it in the directory on your phone that is synced with your NextCloud host. and create links - ether read-only, or allowing editing.

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