Dual Sim, deactivate specific sim-card

Hello and thanks for the nice software :slight_smile:

In the settings of the sim-cards menu i didn’t find an option to disable a specific sim-card. There is only a info text to remove it to disable it. Is there a software option to switch it off or will there be one in the future?

kind regards

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Each SIM can be deactivated in its corresponding setting menu

For me there is no such option :confused:

At the top of this screenshot

nice, i dont have this option there :smiley:

i will try to reinstall…

For me definitely a bug

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tried it, but same like in my screenshot. it’s not there and i can’t deactivate the second sim-card :confused:

Hello everybody. I have the same problem as soma, there is no option in the menu of the s10 to deactivate one of the two sims. At th bottom of the menu there is an information sign claiming i can only deactivate the sim by removing it.

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It is not a bug: it is an unavailable feature.
Sim onf/off toggle is available for radio hal >= 1.5 (https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_opt_telephony/blob/lineage-20.0/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/RIL.java#L4745), which is greater than samsung s9/s10 series radio hal version (manifest.xml · v3-staging · iode / os / public / devices / samsung / device_samsung_exynos9820-common · GitLab).


Is it possible to make this feature available, like in the stock rom? Who and where could be ask for an implementation? Thank you.

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Samsung S10e:
I can confirm, no Button to deactivate.
It Increase the battery consumption (a little bit).

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