"checking bootloader status" taking a very long time (Sony xperia 5 v)

Hi all! Its been like this for multiple minutes. The cable is verified to be fine, and the port on my computer is also fine.

Can someone please give me advice for what to do here? Thanks for reading.

Edit: I unplugged my phone, restarted the laptop and phone, and nothing broke here. However, I am encountering this exact same issue again.
USB Debugging is on, OEM unlocking is on, and this happens using any of the USB connection options, except for the ones that do nothing.
Also for context, my laptop is running Fedora Linux

Edit2: I have now unlocked the bootloader of my device using the code from Sony. I still have this issue :frowning:

It seems that the phone is possibly stuck while trying to get into “fastboot mode”, I don’t know if it would work but you can try to force it by holding “volume down” and reboot it (maybe you need to hold power for some seconds to get it to restart)?

Thanks for the suggestion! I will attempt this in the evening🤞

Another update: Installer app still wasn’t working. I decided to try doing the manual method. (ota / ota · GitLab)

Running the .sh file appears to do nothing after waiting minutes. My bootloader is unlocked, ADB and fastboot regognise my device just fine, but running the .sh file with “sh flash-all.sh” in the terminal just appears to do nothing, and the terminal allows me to close it as though there is no process running.

If someone could please give me a guide on how I can get this working, it would be massively appreciated. This both installation methods just seem non-functional to me and it’s frustrating.

Which operating system are you using?
Then you have to check the USB-Driver for your Device in the Device Manager …

I had problems with this install method/media with another device and rom on Fedora last summer; don’t know why it didn’t work. (I used ./flash-all by the way). Got around it by flashing on pop!os which was my other os .

If you still have no luck I would suggest sideloading from recovery following the LOS guide,which is how I installed iode on my x5V.

Don’t know how familiar you are with all this but there may be some variation to the guide depending on your intentions. I’ll try to explain.

First scenario: you are intending to install iode5.8 and you are not bothered about the copy-partitions step in the LOS guide.

In this case you can use the boot, dtbo and other partitions needed to flash recovery by extracting them from the iode fastboot.zip you already have. Flash the partitions, unplug the device and boot recovery. Follow the guide, ignoring the copy partitions step.

Second scenario: you are intending to install iode5.8 and you wnat to do the copy-partitions step in the LOS guide.

In this case the iode recovery won’t work due to signature verification issues, but you can use LOS for microg images instead. Make sure to use files with an older date than the iode zip to avoid issue. I used lineage-21.0-20241222-microG-pdx237 images, not noticing the 21.0 version lol, but it was ok, worked fine.

Good luck

On windows I think the command/filename is flash-all.bat Not done it on a windows box for a while but I’m fairly certain that flash-all.sh is for linux use only.