Calling issue: Low/muddy voice on the receiver end when using speaker (S10e)


I have Samsung S10e delivered by Iode. Currently running OS version 2.3.
I have had two phone calls: one with my brother and one with my dad.

I used speaker during those calls.
Both my dad and brother said that it’s hard to hear what I say. I had to turn off the speaker. It helped and my voice became clearer on the other end.

Anybody having same problem or an idea to fix this? I use speaker all the time during calls, because it is so much more convenient and also less 4G radiation towards head.

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Edit: added some details

I tested mics with Mic on the bottom records louder sound and mic on the top is more quiet. I made the test by just covering other mic with finger.

Overall recorded sound is ok because recording listens both mics.

Then I tried Recorder app. When I cover bottom mic, it can’t hear me at all. So the app isn’t obviously listening top mic at all. Strange!

Conclusion so far:
When speaker is on during a call, maybe it listens only top mic which is muddier. It would explain my problem.

Can anybody confirm, how their mics work during speaker calls on S10e?

Tested yesterday couple of calls. Speaker worked better, so muddiness isn’t at least consistent on every call. I’ll follow how it keeps going.

Just a word to tell that we keep an eye on this thread, and that feedback from other samsung series 10 users would be helpful. Maybe it could be improved.

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I guess I won’t be of any help, but basically mics are not very good for calls on my S10e: sound is weak.

It’s weak with speaker mode (maybe because top mic is used - I haven’t tested so far, but I will), but it’s also weak without speaker mode. Which is weird, because with recorder sound is good. It’s probably software-related, but I haven’t been able to find something relevant on the internet.

Not sure where you’re located. Here in the US, Samsung phones running custom operating systems like iodé will experience crappy call quality because developers cannot reverse engineer Samsung’s proprietary VoLTE implementation.

My 2019 Samsung Note 10 is like a hybrid phone in that the data runs on 4G but the antenna makes calls on 3G. Now that 3G networks are being shutdown, my phone will often go straight to voicemail without ringing and calls are choppy or “break up” when speaking. There’s no fix for Samsungs for the foreseeable future. I had to buy a non-Samsung to run iodé on. Better explanation here: We're Being Screwed by Mobile Carriers...because of 5G! - YouTube

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Any updates on this one?

Now after three months or so, I keep getting tired of this poor call quality. I can hear everything well but people on the other end don’t. Both mics have the problem, but speaker mode is worse.

I’m located in Finland. From settings I have switched Preferred network type “LTE”.

Are there any S10e Iode users, who don’t have this problem? I’m trying to figure out, does this problem occur on some devices or every of them.

Maybe you can ask in the matrix group, too.
I think there are more active users

Hi MaxMan,
I use a s10e with Iodé as well, and did not notice any sound issue you describe.
I’m located in France.
Hope you will figure out what is going on,

Some update:

I started to speak without speaker so that I set in-call volume max.
Loudest setting was so high that I could speak like with speaker and I heard pretty well what other speaks.

But Iode 3.0 update changed in-call volume max setting a bit more quiet, so it doesn’t work any more.

As a work around, I started to use earphones when calling, when I’m home. It seems to work.

Hi there,

me and some friends are using an S10e running the latest Iode 4.14 and all report low and crappy voice call quality. Is there a way to raise call volume over max or even the mic levels? Mostly volume is too low to have a relaxing conversation. I know that call quality is due to Samsung’s proprietary code but maybe there is also some workaround for that.

Me and my friends and family LOVE this phone because of the compactness, glass body, audio jack, microSD card slot and many more

Thanks for the fast reply but I didn’t install Audio fx in the first place. So still looking for a solution for that.