Bring back LocalNLP, DejaVu as location providers

Back then in iodeOS from Q1 2023 (can’t remember the version numbers, but it’s probably iode 4.10 or below), apart from Mozilla, LocalNLP, DejaVu and even Apple were options for location providers in microG settings.
Now they’ve all been removed. Why?
Those were better options. Mozilla may not remain privavy friendly. They might start becoming subject to geofence warrants. Also, why have just one option? What if it fails?
The LocalNLP option however reduces data requests.

Please bring back LocalNLP and DejaVu as options, even if it means the user is required to install it themselves and not have it under pre-installed apps

microG has banned them, iode can’t do anything about it

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The privacy alternative is being antiprivacy

I can’t imagine that privacy is the goal of microG

Mozilla’s GLS is over with anyway so L/NLP and/or DejaVu are the only options left on the table for OSS purposes.

At least one alternative:

Isn’t privacy the goal of MicroG? Puzzles me … Why would people like to deGoogl their phones if not caring about privacy?

It depends on your Threat Model

It totally is a goal. The whole point is to provide features that require a reduction in privacy, but being fair more private than the alternative. Like yes, it sends some data out, but it is far less invasive than Play Services and is very much an improvement for privacy for those who want their phone to use network-based location or run apps that require Play Services.