Backing-up locally

Backing-up locally

User Profile - Citroniais - iodé community showed me that IodéOS offers a built-in back-up methode for the phone. (Settings\System…)

I was not aware of that option, and for backing-up data, contacts, calendar, pictures, messages, … I use MyPhoneExplorer from

Also for sychronisation of contacts and calendar with other devices.

MyPhoneExplorer does these tricks locally, with a local account on the phone only, directly from phone to other connected devices. No clouds involved.

For backing-up and syncing I am not interested in methods that use computers other than my own. Fossify!

Now for backing-up the entire phone (OS, apps, the Full Monty): It looks like that the Iodé built-in backup option is not good for me.

Or can it be configured so as to connect to other devices directly, by bluetooth or cable?

If not, it is my feature request to make this possible


No, not possible
You can search the forum. Discussed very often before

Remember that MyPhoneExplorer can save SMS and call lists to a local PC, but not back to the device (at least not with simple means - only with tricks) - because of Google’s restrictions.
A more reliable method is available with the app: “SMS Import / Export” (F-Droid).
This allows you to export (time-controlled) SMS, call lists and contacts (locally on the smartphone) and then you can integrate this folder into MyPhoneExplorer …

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