Aurora Store ist defekt

Das nächste Problem bei mir ist jedoch, dass ich weiterhin nicht nach Apps suchen kann. Ich habe die Umleitung zum Google Store aktiviert. Gebe ich in der Suchleiste eine App ein steht da IMMER "Hoppla, der Tarif für dieses Konto ist begrenzt. Ich bin als anonym im Aurora STore angemeldet.

Anonymous accounts in Aurora Store still have issues. A workaround has been implemented in the version we provide in iodéOS, which consists in opening the real play store page and install apps from there. To enable this, there are several steps:

  1. Allow Aurora Store to open external links
  • long press on Aurora icon
  • go to App infos
  • go to Open by default
  • enable Open supported links if not already switched on
  • press Add link, select the two supported links
  1. Open Aurora Store
  • go to Settings
  • go to Advanced
  • enable Search in custom tabs
  1. Now, how to use
  • search an app. Suggestions won’t print, but when validating a search filter, a google play page will be opened
  • press on the app you want to install to go to its detailed page
  • open the bottom-right sandwich menu
  • press Open in app: you will get back to its Aurora page, from where you can install the app.

Another solution is to install an alternative store… There are a few of them which can be installed from a browser (e.g. : Aptoide). Of course they are closed-source and contain trackers (which will be blocked by the iodé blocker), but without the need to provide a google account. And after all, if you want to install apps from the play store which are probably closed source and contain tracker, well, … the alternative store is just another one of these apps.

We are sorry to not being able to provide a good alternative (yet): but in all cases, installing apps from google play like aurora does in an anonymous way does not follow google play usage, which requires a google account. Implementing a new store would be a heavy task that we cannot do yet.


Thanks, now everything works properly well. Well thats the reason, why iode OS and its Iode Blocker is a goal . I have to use some close source apps because there are no alternative. I hope the iode Blocker blocks most of the Trackers in the apps

This instruction works really good: Just tested it and everything worked perfect. Thanks for your efforts!
