Accidentally deleted Aurora now cannot reinstall

Honestly I can’t help you with this. I never had this kind of problem.
You could try to disable temporarly iodé blocker to see if it’s the problem, but I really don’t think so.
@vince31fr, did you see this problem before ?

Otherwise you will need to re-install iodéOS…

(Btw sorry for the reply delay :sweat_smile:)

Hi Citroniais

Thanks for coming back to me, and I just belatedly picked this up as well.

I too had this inclination to reinstall, but not being so familiar with Phone technology,
would be grateful to be directed to how to reinstall iode. Perhaps that way I can solve this poor performance of my phone and learn something as well. I use a Linux system and have adb installed - so pointing me to any guide to setting up will be gratefully appreciated

Thank you

Best regards