5.5 beta-update failed

Hi all,

i actually tried to install 5.5 beta-update. It failed. I stuck in boot (Fairphone logo) and i´m not able to adb sideload official 5.4 via platform tools… It stops after about 50%.

On the screen in recovery this is displayed:

Installing update…
Step 1/2
Error applying update: 7 (ErrorCode: :kInstallDeviceOpenError)
ERROR: recovery: Error in /sideload/package.zip (status 1)

Install completed witch status 1.
Installation aborted

So i don´t have a running system. Any ideas? I don´t want to do a factory reset and reinstall system new.

Thanks a lot!

When did you do the update?
It was withdrawn due to problems.

You can join the matrix channel to follow up

Similar problem here.
Update was installed some 20 minutes ago.
I started the reboot,
I got no error messages whatsoever.
Thereafter the system did not boot, Phone is stuck at a Faiphone screen, but does not get any further,

If the update was withdrawn, how can it be that my Iodéupdater offered it 30 minutes ago?

How can I revert to previous version. It’s a a brick now.

I know nothing about a Matrix Channel as per suggestion of AlphaElwedritsch. Please help me on this forum


I registered at matrix. But I can’t find a room/group called iodéos…

The Matrix room is at You're invited to talk on Matrix, but that is just a bridge to the iodé Beta Testers Telegram channel. Telegram works better for me: messages I post in Matrix / Element aren’t making it to Telegram