Hi Peter
Finally I found some time for instalation of iode.
Can you please help me a bit with installing? There is no recovery in your files and I don’t know what would be the command to install using fastboot.
On /e/ I used fastboot for unlocking and writing the /e/ recovery on the phone; but the fastboot command should be different. On the phone I have
The XZ2 premium I want to install has Microg Lineage OS 21… so very similar.
Thank you in advance!
The recovery image for this device is boot.img
(see here) It is in the file iode-5.5-20240917-UNOFFICIAL-aurora-images.zip. Download and unzip it: you should see noot.img
, dtbo.img
, and vbmeta.img
The file to use for installation via fastboot is iode-5.5-20240917-UNOFFICIAL-aurora-img.zip. The command to flash it is fastboot --skip-reboot -w update iode-5.5-20240917-UNOFFICIAL-aurora-img.zip
(The -w
will wipe your data partition i.e. do a factory reset. You need it for the first installation. After that, for updates you should omit it to keep your user-installed apps and data)
Good luck
You could try dirt flashing over you LOS 21.0 installation: using recovery and adb sideload
, don’t do the factory reset; using fastboot
, omit the -w
. That may work and keep your user-installed apps and data. It may not work however, and you may need to factory reset / format data after all, but worth a try maybe
Thanks a lot Peter! I saw you reply too late to be able to do it yesterday but it’s planned to make this installation ASAP.
It took quite a lot of time as this XZ2 premium was my daily driver, but I’m switching today its role so it would be simpler to make the installation. Hopefully I’m not going to brick my phone (that would be a first after many custom ROM installations!)
I’m planing to kick off some Iode 5.6 builds for these devices later today. I have only a small window of access to the build server, so I’m not going to build for all the devices because, looking at sourceforge, it seems nbody is downloading or using these builds.
Current plan is to build for xz2c
and aurora
only. Please reply, preferabiy before 15:00 GMT today if you would like me to build for any of the other devices listed above
Sorry I missed the deadline @petefoth but I would have thought that Kirin could be worth a shot as there are an awful lot of them cascading down to the kind of prices that makes them attractive for curious users that may want to give iode a test drive. They are currently changing hands for between £30 - £50 on the bay at the mo’. Only 64gb spec’ but they have the internal micro SD card slot for a further 256gb so plenty of scope for expansion.
No worries. I wasn’t able to start the builds until just now, so I’ve added kirin
to the list. But there’s been a build available at least since September and its has had zero downloads
Doesn’t matter - I cant build at the moment anyway: see this post
Hi Peter
Thank you very much for your efforts. Despite my intentions and downloads, because of lack of time I was not able to install your builds on my Aurora, though I really want to.
Please let me know if there are still chances for you to build the new version as this Saturday I have 99.99% chances of flashing the most recent ROM.
Unofficial 5.6 builds are now available for aurora
, kirin
and xz2c
Look in the device-specific folder at
All untested - use at your own risk
Thanks @petefoth your time spent is appreciated. I have an Xa3 Kirin here and it will be interesting to see just how well it works compared to Xa2.
I forgot my personal laptop for flashing at work Friday. I plan on doing the flashing tomorrow…
Have tried to install Kirin a couple of times @petefoth using the img.zip file with sdk platform-tools but fails on both Linux and Windows with ‘I/O error cannot unzip folder’. When I downloaded it to windows file manager it reported that ‘this file may be corrupted’ which could of course be the usual windows hoax method to put you off installing something that it doesn’t recognise as a being from a legitimate ms source. So I remain unconvinced but it’s strange that I get the same response from Linux.
Have you used the ‘iode-5.6-20241031-UNOFFICIAL-kirin-img.zip.sha256sum’ file to verify that the img.zip
fie was not corruped during download?
Been busy with life this past couple of days but verified the download with the check sum file last night and loaded it up this morning. Failed on start up with a boot loop. Here’s the terminal output for the install using the fastboot code you put up earlier in the thread.
$fastboot --skip-reboot -w update iode-5.6-20241031-UNOFFICIAL-kirin-img.zip
Bootloader Version…: 1310-0301_X_Boot_SDM630_LA3.0.1_P_402
Baseband Version…: 1318-6122_53.1.A.2.2
Serial #…: CQ3001SYY5
extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM…
Checking ‘product’ OKAY [ 0.001s]
Setting current slot to ‘a’ OKAY [ 0.009s]
extracting boot.img (27 MB) to disk… took 0.167s
archive does not contain ‘boot.sig’
Sending ‘boot_a’ (28124 KB) OKAY [ 0.899s]
Writing ‘boot_a’ OKAY [ 0.195s]
archive does not contain ‘dtbo.img’
archive does not contain ‘dt.img’
archive does not contain ‘recovery.img’
archive does not contain ‘vbmeta.img’
archive does not contain ‘vbmeta_system.img’
archive does not contain ‘vendor_boot.img’
archive does not contain ‘super_empty.img’
archive does not contain ‘boot_other.img’
archive does not contain ‘odm.img’
archive does not contain ‘product.img’
extracting system.img (2896 MB) to disk… took 34.237s
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
archive does not contain ‘system.sig’
Sending sparse ‘system_a’ 1/5 (517988 KB) OKAY [ 16.998s]
Writing ‘system_a’ OKAY [ 0.001s]
Sending sparse ‘system_a’ 2/5 (516049 KB) OKAY [ 16.749s]
Writing ‘system_a’ OKAY [ 0.001s]
Sending sparse ‘system_a’ 3/5 (515860 KB) OKAY [ 16.869s]
Writing ‘system_a’ OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse ‘system_a’ 4/5 (515873 KB) OKAY [ 16.830s]
Writing ‘system_a’ OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse ‘system_a’ 5/5 (409606 KB) OKAY [ 13.829s]
Writing ‘system_a’ OKAY [ 0.000s]
archive does not contain ‘system_ext.img’
archive does not contain ‘system_other.img’
extracting vendor.img (850 MB) to disk… took 4.689s
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
archive does not contain ‘vendor.sig’
Sending sparse ‘vendor’ 1/1 (417273 KB) OKAY [ 13.427s]
Writing ‘vendor’ OKAY [ 0.001s]
archive does not contain ‘vendor_other.img’
Erasing ‘userdata’ OKAY [ 0.428s]
/usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/mke2fs failed with status 1
fastboot: error: Cannot generate image for userdata
Install failed so checked out the ‘mke2fs’ failure on the search engine, removed the -w from the installation command and loads up fine. Not fully tested it but all the principle apps appear to be working ok. This could be the one to trial my ‘try an OSS phone for free’ project because the phone itself is non standard in that the back cover is an interesting shade of metal flake black. Looking at it you would think it was factory but it’s not. I dunno, maybe it was owned by a paint shop sprayer in its previous life who was bored in his lunch hour, but TBF he did a good job. :o)
Very impressed with this unofficial 5.6 Xperia 10 install @petefoth. No bugs whatsoever same as my original XA2 5.4 installation. So impressed that I put it up on ebay as a demonstrator. Not sure how that will go but at least it’s putting the word ‘iode’ out there so I’m hoping we might see a rise in hits on the site visit counter if nothing more, but I’ll start a dedicated ‘demonstrator’ thread if it shows signs of sparking people’s interest rather than hijacking this one. Excellent work @petefoth ! This version should really be considered for official support given the volume of 10’s out there.
5.7 builds are now available for these devices.
The latest builds can be found in the device-specific subdirectory of https://download.lineage.microg.org/IodeOS/ (Thanks to the LineageOS for microG project for allowing us to use their build & download servers. Sadly OTA updates are not yet implemented)
I have ‘dirty flashed’ the xz2c
build over the 5.7
build, and it seems to work with no obvious problems.
If anyone would use a build of any of the other devices listed in the first post, please let me know.
And a build for Sony Xperia 5 V pdx237
is also now available
Hi pete thank you for your work on
Make unofficial builds
I’m using iode 5.5 you put on sourceforge
And it works great thank u again
Would you be making a update to 5.8 iode
For Sony devices
I have a Xperia 1 III pdx215
And would love to update it
Thank u
It’s happening as we speak. Should be complete in the next day or so. Keep an eye on https://download.lineage.microg.org/IodeOS/
It’s on the list to be built, but the first attempt failed. I’ll try and fix that when the other builds are done
Full list of devices that I am trying to build:
(official LOS devices)
(Yoshino platfrorm devices not supported by official LOS)
You are awesome thank u
Has anyone tested the 5 discovery build yet @petefoth ? Only asking because I have one here that I cobbled together and don’t mind using it as a test rig if you want me to . Have been waiting for one to come up with a busted screen so as I could use it as a donor cos they go for nothing on the bay of all good tat. Needs the charging port replacing as it’s dead at the mo’ and although I’m fairly certain the CPU came out of a working one I’m not 100% sure.