Questions and feature requests about the iodé blocker

Hey guys, I recently installed iodéOS on my phone and I am quite happy so far. Still, I got some questions about how the blocker works, would be great if someone knows how to answer them :slight_smile:

  1. Is there a possibility to search for particular domains within all categories of recipients (dots of all colours at once) of a single app in a given time frame? And for all apps at once, too? Maybe even with wildcards/RegEx?

  2. For some recipients of apps, I sometimes see the notion „anonymous domains“. Can you please explain what exactly it does mean and why it is labeled like that?

  3. When being on a self-defined private DNS ( instead of the default one (automatic), the blocker displays the blocked/allowed recipients but also that (little) data has been sent for some apps I tested (for example ToGoodToGo), although these apps do not have network access at all (I disabled it via the system settings). When being on the default private DNS, the blocker still displays the blocked/allowed recipients but it doesn’t say that any data has been transmitted). So i was wondering whether this is a just a bug in the blocker or if the self-defined DNS circumvents somehow the system settings? By the way, whose DNS service is chosen when „automatic“ is activated?

  4. Inside the iodé app, the world map indicates the GB I used. What I don’t understand is the fact that I am pretty sure it’s more than the number of GB indicated there…

  5. Will it be possible to deactivate background wifi usage, as is already possible for mobile data (for each app / systemwide)?

I am on iodé 4.10 / FP3 / iodé App v. 2.2.5

Thanks in advance!