What strategy for iodé in 2022 ? - Quelle stratégie pour iodé en 2022

Bon je vais vous la faire en Français car je me sens plus à l’aise avec ma langue natale. Ce que vous faites est super, enfin un environnement sans Google sur des téléphones “courants” et abordables. Je suis utilisateur de iodé0S depuis plusieurs mois maintenant et j’en suis pleinement convaincu. Seulement quand on voit que sur votre site aucun téléphone n’est disponible à l’achat, et que la vente de téléphone est votre seule source de revenu on se pose naturellement la question : iodé est il victime de son succès, ou est-ce un goulot d’étranglement qui va limiter considérablement le développement de l’entreprise ? Backmarket regorge de téléphones reconditionnés pourtant rien sur votre boutique en ligne. Quelles conclusions faut-il en tirer pour l’avenir ? Je suis un convaincu de ce que vous faites et du modèle économique dans lequel vous vous inscrivez, je m’interroge simplement sur la stratégie à long terme.

Traduction ( with Google sorry ) ; Well, I will give it to you in French because I feel more comfortable with my native language. What you’re doing is great, finally a Google-free environment on “common”, affordable phones. I have been using iodé0S for several months now and I am fully convinced of it. Only when we see that on your site no phone is available for purchase, and that the sale of phones is your only source of income, we naturally ask the question: is iodine a victim of its success, or is it a bottleneck that will considerably limit the development of the company? Backmarket is full of refurbished phones yet nothing on your online store. What conclusions should be drawn from this for the future? I’m a believer in what you do and what business model you’re joining, I’m just wondering about the long-term strategy.


We often renew our stocks of refurbished phones and if you find a model out of stock you can create a stock alert.
We currently have every refurbished models in stock, which model are you thinking about when saying nothing on our online store?
Regarding new phones - indeed we do have limitations on stock renewals at the moment and will hopefully be able to soon offer more stocks and avoid being out of stock after a few days.
The interest in iodé phones / OS has been increasing each month since we started - we hope to provide more units of new phones in the coming months :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m in USA and iode’ phones aren’t shipped here. I’ve bought 3 of the 4 Sony Xperia phones that iode’ supports off ebay and then used the directions on this site to install it myself. Any problems I’ve had were quickly solved on this forum by Antoine.

Here is the iode’ install page:



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